How to manually rebuild content index from scratch on Confluence Data Center without any downtime

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Platform Notice: Data Center - This article applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.

Note that this knowledge base article was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center knowledge base articles for non-Data Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


This KB article highlights the steps to rebuild the content index in a Confluence Data Center without any downtime, when using Lucene search platform, which is the default search platform.

If you want to check other options to rebuild the content index, go to How to Rebuild the Content Indexes From Scratch.

If you're running Confluence with OpenSearch, you don't need to follow these steps: you can rebuild your content indexes normally without causing any downtime. This is because Confluence will perform indexing with a blue-green approach (that is, it will use a separate new index).

If you have any question about this procedure or if you encounter any problem while running the reindex, create a ticket to Atlassian Support.


This procedure is valid if you are running Confluence Data Center versions 6.x later, using Lucene as the search platform.

Solution: Confluence 7.7 and later

Most of the cases reindex from UI works after Confluence 7.7 but for some exceptional cases the solution for Confluence 6.0 to 7.6 might be needed.

From Confluence 7.7 rebuilding the index and propagating the new index to all nodes in your cluster can be done directly through the Confluence UI. 

This method requires no downtime, and you can also choose to remove the node performing the reindex from your load balancer, to further minimise any performance impact on users. Confluence will continue to use the existing index until the new index has been successfully rebuilt and propagated to each node in the cluster. 

See Content Index Administration for more information.

Solution: Confluence 6.0 to 7.6

The Sections below describes the procedure to rebuild the content index in Confluence Data Center without a downtime.
While you run the reindex in a specific node, other nodes from the Confluence cluster will be up and serving requests from users.

In this example we will consider a Data Center deployment with 2 nodes; node1 and node2.
The same procedure would be applicable to a deployment with 3, 4 or more nodes. In this case, run the same steps from node2 in any other node.

If you are running Confluence Data Center with a single node you won’t be able to rebuild the content index from scratch without a downtime. Therefore, refer to How to manually rebuild content index from scratch on Confluence Data Center with downtime.

Throughout the document we may refer to the Confluence content index rebuild process simply as reindex.

Preparation phase

  1. Choose the node where the reindex process will run.

    • There should be only one node running the reindex process.

    • This node should not serve user requests, while all other nodes from the cluster will be running and available to the users.
    • In this example we will choose node1 as the node to run the reindex – we may refer to it as the reindex node.

  2. On node1 configure log4j to send indexing-related log messages to a separate file.

    • The additional information in a separated log file is helpful to identify if the indexing process is still running or if it completed; it is also helpful in case anything goes wrong and you need to contact the support team.

    • Follow the instructions on Configuring log4j in Confluence to send specific entries to a different log file to send messages from target classes to atlassian-confluence-indexing.log.

    • The following classes should be added to INFO as part of the above procedure.
    • This change will only take effect when Confluence is restarted, which you don’t need to perform at this point, since it will be restarted on a following step.

  3. On node1, configure the below JVM system property so that it doesn’t try to request the index files from a running node.


    • This change will only take effect when the Confluence node is restarted, which you don’t need to perform at this point, since it will be restarted on a following step.

  4. Add any other temporary configuration you would like to node1.
  5. Remove node1 from the load balancer target group.

    • Confluence may be slow while reindex is running, so users might not get the best experience from it if the node running the reindex is available to them.
    • Normal requests from user may compete for resources with the reindex process, so it is best to send these requests to other nodes.

Cleaning the current index

  1. Stop Confluence only on node1 following your standard procedure.
  2. Access the database and run the following SQL to delete old entries from the journalentry table.

    DELETE FROM journalentry WHERE creationdate < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '2 hour';
    • This will delete entries that are older than 2 hours. Nodes that are still online will continue to run the incremental reindex when new content is created.
  3. Take a safety backup of index/

  4. On node1 delete all files from the following folders.


Rebuilding the index

  1. Start Confluence on node1.
    • This will automatically trigger the reindex on this node during the startup process.
  2. Track the reindex process through the atlassian-confluence-indexing.log file.
    • The following entry indicates the reindex process started.

      2020-06-09 17:32:05,553 WARN [Catalina-utility-1] [confluence.impl.index.DefaultIndexRecoveryService] triggerIndexRecovererModuleDescriptors Index recovery is required for main index, starting now
      2020-06-09 17:32:05,557 DEBUG [Catalina-utility-1] [confluence.impl.index.DefaultIndexRecoveryService] recoverIndex Cannot recover index because this is the only node in the cluster
      2020-06-09 17:32:05,558 WARN [Catalina-utility-1] [confluence.impl.index.DefaultIndexRecoveryService] triggerIndexRecovererModuleDescriptors Could not recover main index, the system will attempt to do a full re-index
      2020-06-09 17:32:05,724 DEBUG [lucene-interactive-reindexing-thread] [confluence.internal.index.AbstractReIndexer] reIndex Index for ReIndexOption CONTENT_ONLY
    • While reindex is running you may see entries similar to the below.

      2020-06-09 17:32:14,911 DEBUG [Indexer: 4] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneContentExtractor] lambda$extract$0 Adding fields to document for Space{key='SPC550'} using BackwardsCompatibleExtractor wrapping (confluence.extractors.core:attachmentOwnerContentTypeExtractor)
      2020-06-09 17:32:14,911 DEBUG [Indexer: 8] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneBatchIndexer] doIndex Index Space{key='SPC632'} [com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.Space]
      2020-06-09 17:32:14,910 DEBUG [Indexer: 6] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneBatchIndexer] doIndex Index Space{key='SPC530'} [com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.Space]
      2020-06-09 17:32:14,909 DEBUG [Indexer: 7] [internal.index.attachment.DefaultAttachmentExtractedTextManager] isAdapted Adapt attachment content extractor com.atlassian.confluence.extra.officeconnector.index.excel.ExcelXMLTextExtractor@6aa2ced for reuse extracted text
    • The following entry indicates the reindex process completed successfully.

      2020-06-09 17:32:31,387 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneContentExtractor] lambda$extract$0 Adding fields to document for userinfo: user001 v.1 (1572865) using BackwardsCompatibleExtractor wrapping (confluence.extractors.core:htmlEntitiesFilterExtractor)
      2020-06-09 17:32:31,387 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneContentExtractor] lambda$extract$0 Adding fields to document for userinfo: user001 v.1 (1572865) using BackwardsCompatibleExtractor wrapping (confluence.extractors.core:titleExtractor)
      2020-06-09 17:32:31,388 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [confluence.internal.index.AbstractBatchIndexer] lambda$accept$0 Re-index progress: 100% complete. 3276 items have been reindexed
      2020-06-09 17:32:31,432 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [confluence.internal.index.AbstractBatchIndexer] accept BatchIndexer batch complete
      2020-06-09 17:32:31,491 DEBUG [lucene-interactive-reindexing-thread] [] initialise Warming up searcher..
      2020-06-09 17:32:31,491 DEBUG [lucene-interactive-reindexing-thread] [] initialise Warming up searcher..
    • Do not proceed to the next step while you don’t get a confirmation from the logs that the reindex had completed.

  3. Create a sample page to confirm new items are being added to the content index.
  4. Access the Confluence UI and go to Cog icon > General configuration > Content Indexing > Queue Contents and confirm there’s no item to be processed.
    • If there are items in the index queue, give it a couple of minutes to complete.

Additional steps if Questions for Confluence is installed

Follow the steps in this Section only if you have Questions for Confluence (QfC) installed.
If you don't, then proceed to the next Section.

Additional steps if using Questions for Confluence...

Because of a bug on the indexing process affecting the Data Center platform, Questions for Confluence data is not indexed during Confluence startup. See CONFSERVER-58653 - Rebuilding Content Indexes From Scratch on Confluence Data Center does not Reindex some of the Apps (Plugins) Data for additional information.

Therefore, we need to re-run the index rebuild from the Confluence UI before going to the next steps. This will be necessary while the above bug is not fixed in your Confluence version.

  1. Access the Confluence UI and go to Cog icon > General Configuration > Content Indexing.
  2. Click on the Rebuild button.
  3. Track the reindex process through the atlassian-confluence-indexing.log file.
    You may follow the reindex progress through the UI, but you must confirm it finished from the log with the following entries.

    2020-06-09 17:32:31,387 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneContentExtractor] lambda$extract$0 Adding fields to document for userinfo: user001 v.1 (1572865) using BackwardsCompatibleExtractor wrapping (confluence.extractors.core:htmlEntitiesFilterExtractor)
    2020-06-09 17:32:31,387 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [internal.index.lucene.LuceneContentExtractor] lambda$extract$0 Adding fields to document for userinfo: user001 v.1 (1572865) using BackwardsCompatibleExtractor wrapping (confluence.extractors.core:titleExtractor)
    2020-06-09 17:32:31,388 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [confluence.internal.index.AbstractBatchIndexer] lambda$accept$0 Re-index progress: 100% complete. 3276 items have been reindexed
    2020-06-09 17:32:31,432 DEBUG [Indexer: 1] [confluence.internal.index.AbstractBatchIndexer] accept BatchIndexer batch complete
  4. Go to Cog icon > General configuration > Content Indexing > Queue Contents and confirm there’s no item to be processed in the indexing queue.

Copy the index file to a shared location

  1. Stop Confluence on node1.
  2. On node1 compress the index and the journal folders and save them in the shared-home.
    Saving these files in the shared home make them available to the other nodes in the cluster.

    cd <Confluence Home Dir>
    tar -cvf <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-index.tar ./index
    tar -cvf <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-journal.tar ./journal
  3. On node1 remove the additional logging configuration made in
    • These were added as part of the Preparation Phase.
    • Since unnecessary debugging can negatively impact the application, it is strongly recommended you don’t keep that configuration during normal operation of Confluence.
  4. Remove any additional JVM property added as part of the preparation phase.
  5. Start Confluence on node1 and confirm it is working fine.
  6. At this point node1 can be made available to users. Therefore, add node1 back to the load balancer target group.

Copy the index files from the shared home to the remaining nodes of the cluster

  1. Stop Confluence on node2 following your standard procedure.
  2. On node2 delete the index and journal folders in the local home.

    cd <Confluence-home>
    rm -rf index/
    rm -rf journal/
  3. On node2 uncompress the index and journal folders from the shared home to the local home.

    cd <Confluence-home>
    tar -xvf <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-index.tar
    tar -xvf <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-journal.tar
  4. Confirm the index files were properly placed in node2 local home.
    The structure should be similar to the below.

    $ ls -R atlassian-confluence-local-home/index atlassian-confluence-local-home/journal
    _9.cfe       _a.cfe       _b.cfe       _c.cfe       _d.cfe       _e.cfe       _f.cfe       _g.cfe       _h.cfe       _j.cfe       _j_1.del     segments_9
    _9.cfs       _a.cfs       _b.cfs       _c.cfs       _d.cfs       _e.cfs       _f.cfs       _g.cfs       _h.cfs       _j.cfs       edge        segments.gen
    _0.cfe       _0.cfs        _1.cfe       _1.cfs        segments.gen segments_4
    edge_index main_index
  5. Start Confluence on node2 and confirm it is working fine.

Cleanup tasks

  1. Delete the compressed index and journal files from the shared home folder.

    rm -f <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-index.tar
    rm -f <Confluence-shared-home>/node1-journal.tar

Restore Popular Content

(Optional): If desired, restore the following directories from your backup from Step 2, see Popular content missing after reindexing from scratch for instructions

Confirming content index is working on all nodes

These steps help to confirm new content is being properly indexed by all Confluence nodes.

  1. Access the Confluence UI on node1 and create a new sample page.
  2. Go to Cog icon > General configuration > Content Indexing > Queue Contents and confirm all objects were processed in index queue.
    • If it is still processing, wait for a minute or so for it to complete.
  3. Do a search on node1 for the newly created document to confirm it was indexed.
  4. Go to node2 and access Cog icon > General configuration > Content Indexing > Queue Contents to confirm there’s no object on the indexing queue.
  5. Do a search on node2 for the newly created document to confirm it was indexed.
  6. Do the same validation on any remaining node of the Confluence cluster.

See also

Last modified on Mar 7, 2025

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