Portfolio for Jira 3.2 release notes

Advanced Roadmaps for Jira release notes

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Upgrade now to plan work for your teams more efficiently in Portfolio for Jira.

Learn more about our latest platform release, and check out this article if you have any pressing questions about the new plans!

Portfolio for Jira Server team

New and improved progress bars

We've improved the existing status breakdown bar, converting it into a progress bar (issue count), which displays progress in percentage, in terms of the total number of issues.

We're also releasing a new progress bar (estimates), which also displays progress in percentage, but now in terms of issue estimates.

See Monitoring progress of work to learn more.

Checkbox and radio button custom fields

We're adding support for checkbox and radio button custom fields in this latest version. Check out Configuring custom fields for more details.

Sample custom field configuration, with the new custom fields

Bulk action for sprints

You can now edit the sprint for multiple issues in one go. See Editing multiple issues in bulk to learn more.

New bulk action for sprints

Filtering for multiple issues

Quickly filter for multiple issues by entering issue keys or summaries. See Filtering issues to find out more.

Filtering for multiple issues in a plan

Feature enhancements

With the feedback we've received, we've made the following enhancements to existing features. Keep the feedback coming, as this helps us improve the new planning interface for you.

Values in currently active sprints

The sprint, release, and team values of issues in a currently active sprint now persist — even if you've chosen to overwrite any of these values in the auto-scheduling settings. See Auto-scheduling issues for more details.

'Fit' timeframe setting now considers configured filters

When using the fit to width option to display issues in your timeline, any filters that you configured in your roadmap will now be taken into account. See Viewing work to learn more.

Coming soon — plan access changes

We'll soon be introducing some changes for plan access in Portfolio for Jira.

Currently, only the owners of private plans have access to these private plans. Soon, the following will be able to access any private plans:

  • Users with the Portfolio for Jira administrator user permission
  • Users with the Jira administrators global permission (since these users are automatically made Portfolio for Jira administrators)
  • Jira administrators
  • System administrators

See Permissions in Advanced Roadmaps and Managing global permissions for more details. You can also watch this issue to monitor its progress. 

Last modified on May 26, 2019

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