Troubleshooting Databases
- Database migration fails due to duplicate entry
- Connection timeout with MySQL database
- java.sql.SQLException: I/O Error: Connection reset when connecting to an external SQL Server 2008 database
- Oracle DB - The database is not using Unicode. Crucible requires that the database uses a UTF8 encoding to support internalization
- JDBCExceptionReporter - JDBC ERROR has been closed() -- you can no longer use it
- Database Migration to MySQL Fails with 'com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException'
- Could not Execute JDBC Batch Update When Inserting a Comment
- Fisheye logs thrown "Table 'xxx' doesn't exist" when using MySQL server
- MySQL Error 28
- MySQL SQL script error - drop foreign key
- Migrating from HSQLDB to any database fails
- Database connections locked up due to foreign key constraint on table 'cru_frx'
- Unable to create review due to error 'ConstraintViolationException - Could not execute JDBC batch update'
- Can't connect to Oracle database - ORA-00955
- Unable to connect to MySQL database - Exception attempting to load Database driver
- Web Hooks Fail with ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Exception
- Unable to connect to Oracle database ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
- MySQL Incorrect information in file .frm
- Database migration fails - Unsupported major.minor version
- Oracle database migration fails with ORA-01450 maximum key length (3118) exceeded
- Unable to connect to Oracle database when starting
- org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException when trying to start Fisheye
- Constraint violation in MSSQL when creating review
- Restoring backup failed due to foreign key constraint
- MySQL Backup Restore Fails with 'The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size' Exception
- Reviews cannot be created due to ConstraintViolationException
- Smart Commits page gives error message "Your request was unable to be processed" due to ORA-00942
- Fisheye running on MySQL throws "Errcode: 28 - No space left on device"
- Convert non-UTF-8 MySQL database to UTF-8
- Application was down because its files had consumed up all server space
- com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.CruDBException during restore of the backup
- Connection to MySQL Database Fails with 'You have an error in your SQL syntax' Error
- Crucible reports violation in uk_crurevision_spr unique constraint
- Database Errors when using the Default MySQL Storage Engine
- Database Migration from HSQLDB to Oracle Fails with "value too large" Error on CRU_INLINE_COMMENT_TO_FRX_REV table
- Database migration to Oracle fails
- Database migration to Oracle fails due to incorrect database encoding
- Database Migration to Oracle Fails with "value too large for column" Error on CRU_REVIEW
- Fisheye Fails to Startup with MySQL 5.6.x
- Fisheye is losing connection back to the database intermittently
- LDAP sync fails with IllegalArgumentException due to wrong MySQL JDBC driver being used
- Migrating to MySQL fails with migrateDBProgressAjax error message
- MySQL Collation Error When Starting-up Server
- MySQL Database Migration fails with Specified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes
- New Reviews Fail to be Created with 'Can't associate project' Exception
- Packet too large errors when accessing code reviews
- Smart commits failing after upgrading Fisheye
- SQLServer DB is using a collation which is not case sensitive
- SQL Server migration fails due to wrong Database user permissions
- SQL Server using wrong transaction isolation level
- The Maximum Pool Connection setting is too small to dedicate sufficient connections to retriable pool.
- Unable to connect to SQLServer 2008 database - Exception attempting to load Database driver
Last modified on Feb 3, 2011
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