This page tells you how to add a gadget to an Atlassian application's dashboard. These instructions assume that you are using an application that supports the new Atlassian Gadgets framework.
On this page:
Adding a Gadget to your Atlassian Application's Dashboard
You can add a gadget from the directory of gadgets that are available to your Atlassian application.
To add a gadget to your Atlassian dashboard,
- Go to the dashboard by clicking the 'Dashboard' link or the 'Home' link at the top left of the screen.
- The dashboard will appear, looking something like screenshot 1 below. Click 'Add Gadget'.
- The 'Add Gadget' screen will display a list of available gadgets in your gadget directory, as shown in screenshot 2below. Find the gadget you want, using one or more of the following tools:
- Use the scroll bar on the right to move up and down the list of gadgets.
- Select a category in the left-hand panel to display only gadgets in that category.
- Start typing a key word for your gadget in the 'Search' textbox. The list of gadgets will change as you type, showing only gadgets that match your search term.
- When you have found the gadget you want, click the 'Add it Now' button to add the gadget to your dashboard.
Screenshot 1: An Atlassian dashboard
Screenshot 2: Adding a gadget from the gadget directory

- You need administrator privileges to add a gadget to the list of available gadgets. If you have permission to add gadgets to and remove gadgets from the directory itself, you will see the 'Add Gadget to Directory' and 'Remove' buttons on the 'Add Gadget' screen, as shown in the screenshot about. Please refer to the Gadgets and Dashboards Administration Guide.
- In Atlassian OnDemand products, it is not possible for administrators to add gadgets to the directory. If you would like to add an Atlassian gadget to a directory, please contact Atlassian Support.
Differing Look and Functionality
The screenshots on this page show the basic Atlassian dashboard layout. The layout will be similar in all applications that support the new Atlassian Gadgets framework. However, there may be slight differences in the look and feel for a particular application and some applications may have additional functionality. For example, JIRA will allow you to create multiple dashboards on separate tabs. The extra functionality is described in the documentation for the application concerned.
Permission to Update a Dashboard
Your ability to update a dashboard depends on the application hosting the dashboard. Most applications will require you to log in before you can update the dashboard. Your ability to update the dashboard may then depend on the permissions assigned to your username.
Who Will See the Gadgets you have Added to the Dashboard?
This depends on the application hosting the dashboard:
- In most cases, you will need to log in to the application before you can update the dashboard, and your updates will apply only to your personal dashboard.
- Some applications allow dashboards that are shared by groups of people. If you have permission to update a shared dashboard, the other people sharing the dashboard will see your changes too.
- If you have permission to update an application's default dashboard, your changes to the default dashboard will be seen by anyone who views that dashboard.
The big list of Atlassian gadgets
Gadgets and Dashboards Administration Guide
Gadgets and Dashboards User Guide