Environment Troubleshooting
- Bad Request - Invalid URL when loading page
- Confluence becomes unresponsive when using Viewtracker plugin
- Confluence crashes due to 'Internal Error (sharedRuntime.cpp:833)' caused by Java 8 bug
- Confluence is not accessible after installation on CentOS 7
- Could not lock User prefs Unix error code 2
- Create button is missing in Confluence 5.0.x or 5.1.x
- Excessive memory usage in OpenFire Real Time Collaboration Server when Confluence is started
- Filesystem encoding is written as ANSI_X3.4-1968 even though the server is set to UTF-8
- I18NSupport error after applying security advisory patch
- java.security.AccessControlException error when attempting to start Confluence
- Non-ASCII Characters display as square characters in Confluence
- Unable to insert any macros through the macro browser due to JAVA errors
- Unable to start Confluence or enable the Usage Stats plugin due to 'Cannot forcefully unlock a NativeFSLock' error
Last modified on Oct 7, 2015
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