Troubleshooting User Management
- <User> cannot be deleted; they belong to a read-only directory.
- Active Directory incremental synchronization is intermittently failing in Bitbucket Datacenter
- Bitbucket is throwing "git was successfully authenticated via public key, but is no longer active in the underlying user directory. The request has been blocked"
- Bitbucket Server displays 404 j_bitbucket_security_check after User Directory modifications
- Bitbucket Server not retrieving users from Active Directory
- Bitbucket Server throws 500 error when attempting to edit an External User Directory
- Cannot Login to Bitbucket Server Using External User Account After Moving JIRA/Crowd Server
- Configure Gravatar URLs in Bitbucket
- Could not retrieve SSO Configuration when integrating Bitbucket Server with Crowd
- Creating new users fails when Delegated LDAP is configured with Bitbucket Server
- Crowd SSO 1.0 Vs 2.0 behaviour against Bitbucket internal users
- Crowd Synchronization Fails with Integrity Constraint Violation in Bitbucket Server
- Directory server synchronization failed
- External user directory sync fails due to violation of unique constraint uk_mem_dir_parent_child
- Find users by created date rather than last authenticated date
- Group members don’t get synchronized from Microsoft Active Directory in Bitbucket Server
- How to fix missing External User Directory in the Bitbucket GUI
- How to get the number of users, groups, and nested groups in Bitbucket Data Center and Server?
- JRE crashes with SIGBUS when restoring backup
- LDAP Error Code 32
- LDAP Error Code 49
- LDAP sync fails with InvalidNameException
- LDAP synchronization never completes - Too many users added to cache
- Migrating local group memberships of Delegated Ldap User Directory when switching to another external directory with local groups in Bitbucket DC
- Removing a user from a group in the internal directory fails
- Rename users between user directories in Bitbucket
- SAML authentication fails with error "User <username > does not exist" in Bitbucket Datacenter
- SAML authentication fails with Received SSO request for user, but the user does not exist in Bitbucket Data Center
- SAML SSO authentication with JIT option fails with Received SSO request for user xyz, but the user is not permitted to log in error in Bitbucket Data Center
- SizeLimitExceededException when integrated with LDAP
- SSH keys option showing blank page or empty screen in Bitbucket Data Center
- SSLHandshakeException - unable to find valid certification path to requested target
- SSO login fails with the "Received invalid SAML response: The Response has an InResponseTo attribute: ONELOGIN while no InResponseTo was expected" error in Bitbucket Data Center
- SSO triggers error "Received invalid SAML response: The Response has an InResponseTo attribute: ONELOGIN_##AbC##dE##fg while no InResponseTo was expected" when attempting to log into Bitbucket Data Center
- Synchronization with LDAP fails Only deleted users can be archived
- Synchronization with LDAP Server Fails with PartialResultException
- The 'Last Authenticated' status for a user is displayed as 'Unknown' in the Bitbucket Server
- Unable to Add Crowd User to Local Bitbucket Server Group
- Unable to add Global permissions to groups
- Unable to connect to JIRA for authentication - Forbidden 403
- Unable to find the username of the principal
- Unable to login into Bitbucket Server after turning on Crowd integration
- Unable to login to Bitbucket, even with lockout recovery process
- Unapproved Pull Requests Notification shows an incorrect count
- User fails to login Bitbucket server application post OS update on the database server
- Users can't access Bitbucket Server due to Google Apps For Crowd plugin in Crowd
- Users can't login after upgrading to Bitbucket
- Users lost their local group membership in Bitbucket Data Center following the movement of a group between Organisational Units in external user directory
Last modified on Feb 19, 2020
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