Fields not visible or missing on issue types

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Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


The field is not visible or missing for certain issues even though the screen has the field added to it.

Adding a context to a custom field

This issue happens due to the field not having a context, so to fix it, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Access the field from Jira setting → Issues → custom fields → search for the field name.

       2. click on ••• → contexts and default value.

A screenshot of a software interface showing custom fields. The user has selected a field's options menu, which includes Edit details, Contexts and default value, Translation options, Associate to Screens, and Move to trash.  The numbers 1 and 2 superimposed on the image indicate the order of actions being demonstrated in a larger sequence.

      3. In the next screen, click on "Edit configuration" under the default configuration scheme.

Jira custom field configuration settings. The Edit Configuration button is highlighted.

      4. Choose the applicable issue types in the next screen.

A Jira screen for choosing applicable issue types, including Sub Test Execution, Story, Task, custom avatar, and Oppgave. Task and Oppgave are checked.

     5. Click on "Modify".

Last modified on Feb 14, 2025

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