Upgrading a Bundled System Plugin

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A new plugin JAR file copied into the FISHEYE_INST\var\plugins\bundled folder doesn't register in Fisheye/Crucible.


Bundled plugins cannot be basic file copied into the bundled directory – the must be copied directly into the Fisheye/Crucible plugin archive .


Upgrade the bundled plugin archive using the following procedure to force Fisheye to overwrite all existing plugins for the ones inside bundled-plugins.zip:

  1. Stop Fisheye
  2. Open the FISHEYE_INST\plugins\bundled-plugins.zip
  3. Replace the System Plugin you wish to upgrade for the updated version (e.g. review-coverage-report.1.2.10.jar for review-coverage-report.1.2.20.jar)
  4. Remove all data in FISHEYE_HOME\cache\plugins
  5. Start Fisheye







Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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