Troubleshooting Upgrades
- Cache Errors After Upgrading Fisheye
- Indexing fails for some repositories on Fisheye 2.5 and 2.5.1 with error "Changeset comment messages may not be null or empty"
- Fisheye Upgrade Fails With "timeString 'xxxx' for commandTimeout is not valid"
- Users appear deleted after upgrading to Fisheye 2.7.X
- Crucible Review is not Displayed after Upgrading and Throws NullPointerException in Log
- After Upgrading Fisheye Crucible, Text Files Are Reported as Binary Files
- Upgrade Fails: Problem upgrading with script, more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression, upgrade_57.sql
- Upgrade Fails with IllegalStateException, due to Mis-configured FISHEYE_HOME
- Upgrade to Crucible 2.3.x Loses Patch Diff Data
- After upgrade Crucible won't start with "Unable to install bundle" error
- Error message after upgrade/restart - Timeout exceeded waiting for service
- Fixing disabled plugins when upgrading Fisheye versions
- NullPointerException on Crucible Review re-index
- Upgrade Fails: Problem upgrading with script, Violation of unique constraint on upgrade_33.sql
- Restore Fails, Upgrade Fails: Not a valid Fisheye and Crucible backup archive
- Fisheye 2.7.X displays a different commit date for a revision then SourceTree
- Restore backup fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBound
- Fisheye fail to work after upgrade
- JRE crashes with SIGBUS when restoring backup
- Web interface does not load when running Fisheye 3.x
- Fisheye Crucible upgrade fails with MySQL database
- MySQL Incorrect key file during upgrade
- Error During Fisheye Upgrade: Expected Local File Header Signature!
- PKIX path building failed after upgrading Fisheye Crucible using the Windows installer
- Upgrade to 4.0+ using MySQL Fails Because it Can't DROP 'idx_commitnotif_rep'
- JVM crashes after Fisheye Crucible upgrade - Native memory allocation mmap
- Upgrade to 4.0.x fails due to existing database object
- Fisheye does not restart after upgrading it due to "'#{T(com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.AspectOrder).TRANSACTIONAL}' is not a valid value for 'integer'"
- Fisheye upgrade fails due to "cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '#{T(com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.AspectOrder).TRANSACTIONAL}' is not a valid value for 'integer'."
- Restore from backup fails due to "Timeout exceeded waiting for service - com.atlassian.activeobjects.spi.Backup"
- Post upgrade checks failed
- Misleading yellow banner related to database upgrade displayed after upgrading Fisheye to 4.2.1
- Fisheye upgrade to 4.8.x fails because cru_source_rev_path_hash column already exists in cru_revision table
- Fisheye server fails to start with error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Last modified on Sep 6, 2010
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