Perforce repository cannot be added

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When you try to add a Perforce repository in Fisheye, the following appears in the atlassian-fisheye.log:

2013-07-05 08:53:10,109 ERROR [qtp637475101-161 ection-1373032389875] fisheye RepositoryAdminRpcServiceImpl-testRepositoryConnection - Connection failed.
2013-07-05 08:57:36,432 INFO  [IntiPing1 reponame] fisheye BaseRepositoryScanner-ping - processing reponame
2013-07-05 08:57:36,495 INFO  [IntiPing1 reponame] fisheye P4ScmConfig-testConnection - Perforce Server Version: P4D/NTX64/2012.2/551823 (2012/11/09)
2013-07-05 08:57:36,495 INFO  [IntiPing1 reponame] fisheye P4ScmConfig-testConnection - Perforce Server Time: 2013/07/05 08:57:36 -0500 Central Daylight Time
2013-07-05 08:57:36,542 WARN  [IntiPing1 reponame] fisheye P4Client-getLatestRevision - Non-zero exit status determining latest revision: com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessException:Non-zero exit code: 1 | Access for user 'SYSTEM' has not been enabled by 'p4 protect'.


You are running Fisheye as a Windows service, and SYSTEM is the account used to start the service.

However, running p4 protect -o in a command line client shows (among other users):

super user <p4_user_name_here> * //...

The above output shows that <p4_user_name_here> is a super user, while users with read privilege should be enough to be used in Fisheye.

And you are specifying this <p4_user_name_here> user in the repository configuration page in Fisheye:

So, Fisheye is not really using the SYSTEM account to authenticate with the Perforce server. Hence, the error message is misleading.


A wrong Charset is being used.


Make sure that UTF-8 has been chosen as Charset:

Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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