How to retrieve reviews and their respective states, commits, JIRA issue keys, number of files and comments directly from database

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For reporting purposes, Crucible administrators might want to retrieve all reviews and their respective states, commits, JIRA issue keys, number of files being reviewed, and number of comments from a Crucible project directly from the database.


NOTE 1: This SQL query below was tested with Fisheye / Crucible 4.8. It may require some adjustments in other versions.

NOTE 2: The SQL query below is compatible with PostgreSQL. It may require some adjustments to run with other database types.

Run the following query:

    cru_project.cru_name as "Project Name",
    cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key || '-' || cru_revpermaid.cru_number as "Review Key",
    cru_review.cru_state as "Review State",
    string_agg(distinct(cru_revision.cru_revision), ',') as "Commits",
    cru_review_linked_issues.cru_issue_key as "Review JIRA Key",
    (select count(*)
     from cru_frx where cru_frx.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id) as "Number of Files",
    (select count (*)
     from cru_comment
     where cru_comment.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
       and not cru_comment.cru_draft
       and not cru_comment.cru_deleted) as "Number of Comments"
from cru_review
         join cru_revpermaid on cru_revpermaid.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
         join cru_project on cru_project.cru_project_id = cru_review.cru_project
         left join cru_frx on cru_frx.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
         left join cru_frx_revision on cru_frx_revision.cru_frx_id = cru_frx.cru_frx_id
         left join cru_revision on cru_revision.cru_revision_id = cru_frx_revision.cru_revision
         left join cru_review_linked_issues on cru_review_linked_issues.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
where cru_review.cru_review_type = 1
  and (cru_frx_revision.cru_revision_order != 0
    or cru_revision.cru_added
    or cru_frx_revision.cru_frx_rev_id is null) -- review without any revisions
--and cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key = 'CR' -- use this to restrict by project key
--and cru_revpermaid.cru_number = 9 -- use this to restrict by review number
group by cru_project.cru_name,

Sample output:

Project Name     Review Key  Review State  Commits                                   Review JIRA Key  Number of Files  Number of Comments  
---------------  ----------  ------------  ----------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------  
Default Project  CR-1        Draft         (null)                                    (null)           0                0                   
Default Project  CR-2        Draft         73                                        (null)           1                0                   
Default Project  CR-3        Draft         (null)                                    (null)           0                0                   
Default Project  CR-4        Draft         72,73                                     ECS-5378         1                1                   
Default Project  CR-5        Draft         73                                        (null)           1                0                   
Default Project  CR-6        Draft         1:0:T                                     (null)           1                0                   
Default Project  CR-7        Draft         2:0:T                                     (null)           1                0                   
Default Project  CR-8        Draft         59,60                                     JRA-1            1                1                   
Default Project  CR-9        Draft         101,80                                    JRA-1            2                6                   
Default Project  CR-10       Closed        7b5ce3ee4fbd740b6fdc3e53791db2615ab5c690  (null)           1                0                   

Last modified on Jun 14, 2024

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