Fisheye states 'Your maintenance has expired, you will need to extend the maintenance on you license to upgrade' - but the license is still valid.

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At the bottom of each Fisheye page the following message is displayed;

*Version available number may vary.

However the maintenance license is not expired.


There is old plugin cache left over which can be seen in FISHEYE_INST/config.xml;

value="%23java.util.List%0A"/><property name="com.atlassian.upm:notifications:notification-evaluation.expired" value="%23java.util.List%0A"/><property name="com.atlassian.upm:notifications:notification-evaluation.nearlyexpired" value="%23java.util.List%0A"/><property name="com.atlassian.upm:notifications:notification-maintenance.expired" value="%23java.util.List%0A"/><property name="com.atlassian.upm:notifications:notification-maintenance.nearlyexpired"


Versions up to 2.9.x

Ensure the user running Fisheye has correct permissions regarding the folder hierarchy (and contained files) starting with the FISHEYE_INST/cache/plugins folder. If the permissions are correct, do the following:

  1.  Shutdown Fisheye.
  2. Delete (or move for backup purposes) the entire folder: 
    1. FISHEYE_INST/cache/plugins (e.g. /fisheye/cache/plugins)
  3. Restart Fisheye.

Versions 2.10+

Ensure the user running Fisheye has correct permissions regarding the folder hierarchy (and contained files) starting with the FISHEYE_INST/cache/plugins folder. If the permissions are correct, do the following:

  1.  Shutdown Fisheye.
  2. Delete (or move for backup purposes) the entire folder: 
    1. FISHEYE_INST/var/osgi-cache (e.g. /fisheye/var/osgi-cache)
  3. Restart Fisheye.
Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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