Fisheye Repository Scan Aborts with 'Timer already cancelled' Exception

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When scanning a repository, the following error is reported:

 ERROR - exception in change detector
 com.cenqua.fisheye.config.ConfigException: Could not access file:///dm2/repos/DMS/ : Timer already cancelled.
  at com.cenqua.fisheye.svn.SvnRepositoryTester.pingAndValidateAccess(Crucible-1.1.3-build-247:112)
  at com.cenqua.fisheye.svn.SvnRepositoryScanner.validateAccess(Crucible-1.1.3-build-247:223)
  at com.cenqua.fisheye.rep.RepositoryScanner.slurpRepository(Crucible-1.1.3-build-247:343)
 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled.
  at java.util.Timer.sched(Unknown Source)
  at java.util.Timer.schedule(Unknown Source)
  at com.cenqua.fisheye.svn.SvnThrottledClient.start(Crucible-1.1.3-build-247:50)
  ... 10 more


This can occur when not enough memory is allocated to Fisheye.


To solve this error, you will need to increase memory allocated to Fisheye.

After having set the FISHEYE_OPTS and restarting your server, go to Administration > Sys Info/Support > System Info, and check your JVM Input Arguments to ensure that your server is picking up your FISHEYE_OPTS as expected.

Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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