Fisheye/Crucible fails to start up due to "The system cannot find the file specified"
Fisheye/Crucible does not start up successfully.
The following appears in the atlassian-fisheye-YYYY-MM-DD.log
ERROR [main ] fisheye FishEyeWebApplicationContext-doStart - The Web context could not be started
com.cenqua.fisheye.rep.DbException: /path/to/your/fisheye_inst/directory/cache/globalfe/idx0/_186j.fnm (The system cannot find the file specified)
The cache for Fisheye/Crucible became corrupted.
This may have been caused by the following conditions:
- The application has been forced to quit
- The application crashed
- The cache files have been open, edited or deleted
- The permissions on the cache directory have been changed
- The disk/partition hosting Fisheye ran out of available space, and the cache files could not be upraded
Recreate the cache by performing the following steps:
- Stop Fisheye/Crucible
- Empty the content of /path/to/your/fisheye_inst/directory/cache folder (create a backup of the current content by moving the /path/to/your/fisheye_inst/directory/cache folder to a different location)
- Start Fisheye/Crucible
The cache folder contains the review's details (including the comments and the state changes) and the changeset's details (including dates, comments, ids and file paths). The creation of the cache may take some time depending on the number of repositories indexed and their size and the amount of Crucible reviews.