Dashboard Loads Too Slow

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After upgrading to Fisheye 2.1+, the dashboard takes a lot of time to load.

The following message appears on the dashboard:

Activity search truncated because it took too long; some sources may be excluded or incomplete. Try again with longer timeout.

For example:


When the dashboard loads, the activity streams of recent activity search across all repositories. If there is a large number of repositories, the search can take minutes to finish.

In Fisheye 2.1+, the search is limited to 10 seconds or it is abandoned otherwise.


If the dashboard loads in a significant amount of time in 2.0.x, see CRUC-2370. Upgrade to 2.1+ to fix.

The 10 seconds limit is a hard-coded default value. However, it can be customised via a URL parameter. For example:


See FE-2309 for an improvement request to make this value configurable via user interface.

Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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