Crucible reviews fail with no local entity with key error

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Symptom #1:  The following error is displayed on screen after navigating to Administration > Project Settings > Projects and selecting Application Links:

No entity exists with key ${helper.project.key} of type 
Status code: 400

Symptom #2:  The following error is displayed on screen after clicking on "Reviews" or anything else having to do with Crucible:

Your request was unable to be processed
javax.servlet.ServletException - javax.el.ELException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No local entity with key 'grf2' and type 'class com.atlassian.applinks.application.fecru.FishEyeCrucibleProjectEntityTypeImpl' exists

javax.el.ELException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No local entity with key 'grf2' and type 'class com.atlassian.applinks.application.fecru.FishEyeCrucibleProjectEntityTypeImpl' exists
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No local entity with key 'grf2' and type 'class com.atlassian.applinks.application.fecru.FishEyeCrucibleProjectEntityTypeImpl' exists
No local entity with key 'grf2' and type 'class com.atlassian.applinks.application.fecru.FishEyeCrucibleProjectEntityTypeImpl' exists

You are running release CR2.7.13 FE2.7.13 (20120517072828 2012-05-17), please report your release number when reporting bugs.
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This is a verified bug in the code. The following report has been created and voting is highly encouraged so please log in and vote!


Go to Administration – note that you may need to click on Source first since the error screen doesn't allow anyone to log in. Next, Security Settings > Permission Schemes and "edit" every scheme under the "View" permission (you must "edit" here again) and check the box for "Allow All logged in users".

Last modified on Jan 23, 2025

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