CPU Running at 100% Utilization Consistently
Fisheye server appears to be very busy with the CPU pegged at 100% utilization. There are no other applications running on the machine that appear to be consuming resources. There are no apparent exceptions reported in the Fisheye logs.
The FISHEYE_INST/config.xml has a similar configuration:
<incrementalIndexThreads max="30"/>
<initialIndexThreads max="300"/>
<crowd auto-add="true" resync="true" refreshExistingUsers="true" sso-enabled="true" resyncPeriod="1 hour" jiraInstance="false">
- The number of incremental and initial indexing threads configured is too excessive which will make the system very busy. The recommended count is 3 each for these threads, as documented here. Reduce the number of configured initial and incremental threads to 3 each and monitor the instance.
- Automatic synchronization should be turned OFF for instances with large external user repositories. Having this property turned ON will add extra overhead on the system. Turn this property OFF and use the manual sync option as and when required. More details on how to manage synchronization for large user repositories are here.
Last modified on Nov 2, 2018
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