Configure syntax highlighting for non-standard file extensions

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Edit <FishEye home directory>/syntax/ and add the file extensions using the following as a guide. For example, to add moduleinstall, and inc as extensions to be highlighted similarly to PHP files and htm to be highlighted similarly to HTML files add the following four lines to the end of the file:


"**/*.module" php.def
"**/*.install" php.def
"**/*.inc" php.def
"**/*.htm" html.def

 Fisheye/Crucible needs to be restarted to have the changes take effect.

This file will be overwritten if Fisheye/Crucible is updated (no matter which method is used) so make sure it is saved elsewhere prior to such an event.

Defining your own syntax highlighting in Crucible or Fisheye



Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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