Analyzing Subversion connectivity issues with JSVN

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Fisheye/Crucible ships with JSVN - a SVNKit java command-line client. The JSVN command-line client effectively functions like the Subversion Command-Line Client except that it works with the Java libraries in Fisheye/Crucible.

To run the SVNKit Java command-line client:

  • Linux/Unix:
    1. Navigate to the Fisheye/Crucible installation directory: <FishEye installation directory>/lib/svn
    2. Update the permissions on the JSVN script by running the following command: chmod 777 jsvn
    3. Run the jsvn script. ./jsvn --help can be used for a list of available commands.
  • Windows:
    1. Navigate to the Fisheye/Crucible installation directory: <FishEye installation directory>/lib/svn 
    2. Run the jsvn.bat  script.
Usage example (diff between revisions 2500 and 2501 for username USER and password PASS):


jsvn --no-auth-cache --username USER --password PASS diff -r 2500:2501


For instructions on how to use the Subversion command-line client, please refer to the Subversion Command Line Client 1.5 documentation.
Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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