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The SharePoint Connector NTLM proxy is a .NET executable that allows Confluence to communicate with SharePoint using the full range of Integrated Windows Authentication methods (including NTLMv2 and Kerberos).
If the authentication process fails, or there appears to be some problem with the proxy component, you can enable additional logging in order to help diagnose the problem.
To toggle the logging level for the proxy component, open a web browser and go to <CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/admin/sharepoint-admin/proxy-admin.action
Screenshot 1: Proxy Administration Screen
If the Debug Logging setting is not currently enabled, you can click the 'Enable' link to turn it on. If the Debug Logging setting is already enabled, you can click the 'Disable' link to turn it off.
Note that enabling or disabling the logging setting will cause the proxy component to restart.
This could lead to a brief disruption in the communications between Confluence and SharePoint.
You can locate the log file for the proxy in the same directory as the proxy executable. Both the executable and log the file may be found in the temporary directory of the application server hosting your Confluence instance.
For example, if you are running Confluence stand-alone, the log file may be found in this location, where CONFLUENCE_HOME is your configured Confluence data directory:
If you are running the WAR edition of Confluence, then the temporary directory's location may vary.