Search the SharePoint Connector 1.0 documentation:
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The SharePoint Connector for Confluence is designed to allow you to find your content, no matter which system it was written in. The goal is to make searching return the same set of relevant results from across your company, no matter which system you are using.
You don't need to do anything differently. With the SharePoint Connector for Confluence installed, you can search normally. By default, all searches performed in SharePoint will return content from both the Confluence wiki and Sharepoint. The results will be ordered by relevance, regardless of which system they are from. When using the search box in Confluence, all searches will be automatically directed to SharePoint, and will also show the same set of results from both systems.
Note that in SharePoint your search scope cannot be "This Site" or "This List". Typically there is a Search Site created that is used for enterprise search as shown in the screen shot to the right.
For more details on how to configure search see SharePoint Search Configuration
If you are having problems, check out Troubleshooting SharePoint Search.
On the Confluence side, search integration consists of modifying the search link to have a dropdown that enables searching Confluence only (going to a Confluence search results page) or showing search results from both SharePoint and Confluence (going to a MOSS search results page). This update is enabled by using the SharePoint theme for a space resulting in a search box like the one shown below. This theme is available when installing the SharePoint plugin within Confluence.
If you want to customize this integration, see How to incorporate the SharePoint theme into another custom theme.
Other than search, SharePoint integration with Confluence is revealed through two web parts. These web parts can be added to any web part page by an individual with the "Design" permission level or better (basically anyone in a group that has the "Add and Customize Pages" site permission).
Many of the pages in SharePoint are web parts pages (including the home page in any SharePoint site), you can also create web part pages in a document library that has the "Web Part Page" document template (this document library typically has the name "Pages").
To add the web parts, simply go to a web part page and choose to edit it from the Site Actions menu as shown below. Then click the "Add Web Part" button corresponding to the zone (location) you want your web part(s) to reside. Then scroll down in the popup dialog to find the Conflence web parts and select one of both of them as shown to the right.
The Confluence Page web part is used to render a specific page from Confluence in SharePoint. To edit the web part settings, choose "Modify Shared Web Part" from the web part drop down as shown to the right. Please also see the related web part editor on the right-side of this screen.
The Confluence "host" shown comes from the settings currently saved in the "Confluence Settings" page (found under Site Settings). The Confluence spaces listed are trimmed based on Confluence user permissions for each space.
Once a space is selected, a hierarchical (tree-view) list of pages will be presented to select from. A selected page will be bolded. Please click OK or Apply to make the new page show in the web part.
See Web Part Connections on how to connect this web part to other web parts.
For more details on how to configure the web parts see SharePoint Feature Configuration.
The Confluence Tree View web part is used to represent a hierachical view of pages within specific Confluence space. To edit the web part settings, choose "Modify Shared Web Part" from the web part drop down as shown to the right. Please also see the related web part editor on the right-side of this screen.
The Confluence "host" shown comes from the settings currently saved in the "Confluence Settings" page (found under Site Settings). The Confluence spaces listed are trimmed based on Confluence user permissions for each space.
See Web Part Connections on how to connect this web part to other web parts.
For more details on how to configure the web parts see SharePoint Feature Configuration.
(Please note this documentation has been updated for version 1.0.4 of the plugin. The 'SharePoint Site Alias' notation has been added. If you have an earlier version of the plugin please upgrade if you'd like to reference multiple SharePoint Sites.)
The {sp-list} macro can display the contents of most lists in SharePoint.
This form of the {sp-list} macro has predefined columns allowing for a shorthand notation.
{sp-list:<SharePoint Site alias>:<name of the list>|<list type>}
If you're referencing the SharePoint Site Server selected as the 'default' on the SharePoint Admin settings you can leave out the 'SharePoint Site alias'.
{sp-list:<name of the list>|<list type>}
Examples shown below.
This should all be on one line.
{sp-list:<SharePoint Site alias>:listName=<name of the list>| columns=<sharepoint column name mandatory>,<column alias optional>,<column type optional>; <sp col name>,<alias>,<type>| debug=<true\|false>}
Currently the full path to the list must be written. For instance a document list in the root site could be embedded within a Confluence page with the following notation:
{sp-list:my site:my list|doc}
or if 'my site' is the default 'SharePoint Site'
{sp-list:my list|doc}
However if that list were in a SharePoint site under the root 'site collection' you might write.
{sp-list:sub site/my list|doc}
The syntax is to add a // to retrieve a folder's content.
(this syntax to display a document folder's contents is only supported in version 1.0.6 and higher of the Java plugin. The version of the SharePoint web parts you're using doesn't matter.)
Following are examples of the short hand notation, the long hand notation showing the same list and a screenshot of the output.
{sp-list:test doc library|doc}
{sp-list:test doc library|columns=BaseName,Document Name,doc;FileSizeDisplay,File Size,fileSize;Modified,,date;Author, ,author;view}
{sp-list:sample links|link}
{sp-list:sample links|columns=URL,,url;Comments}
{sp-list:Sample Calendar|cal}
{sp-list:Sample Calendar|columns=Title;Location;EventDate,Start Time,date;EndDate,End Time,date;fAllDayEvent,All Day Event,boolean}
{sp-list:Sample Tasks|task}
{sp-list:Sample Tasks|columns=Title;AssignedTo,,author;Status;Priority;DueDate;PercentComplete,Percent Complete,percent}
{sp-list:sample issues|issue}
{sp-list:sample issues|columns=ID,Issue ID;Title;AssignedTo,,author;Status;Priority;DueDate,Due Date,date}
{sp-list:sample discussion|discussion}
{sp-list:sample discussion|columns=Title;Author,,author;ItemChildCount,Replies;DiscussionLastUpdated,Last Updated,date}
You can add a debug parameter to your macro as follows:
{sp-list:Sample Tasks|task|debug=true}
This will cause the macro to write out the XML for the list which the SharePoint service is returning in the HTML page but it is commented out. To see it you can right click on the web page and select 'View Source'.
You can the add additional columns to your macro if you wish to display additional data. As you'll see the macro trims off the prepended 'ows_' characters from the field name.
The Confluence Pages Tree View web part does not currently act as a web part connection provider and provide the page ID to the Confluence Page web part. See JIRA issue CSI-136 to track this request.
There are numerous scenarios for connecting web parts. A simple example is to use a List web part that contains space key and/or page ID information that can be provided to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts. An example of this is shown below. The user simply clicks on the radio button to choose an item in the list and the corresponding space key and page ID are provided to the web parts below the list.
Screenshot: Web Part Connections
To reproduce the above sceanrio, do the following:
Screenshot: Making a connection
Screenshot: Configuring the connection
There are many other scenarios for connections. Some other out of the box web parts that specialize in connections are the Filter Web Parts that come with the Enterprise version of MOSS. Each of these filter web parts allows you to configure it to obtain the space key or page ID from different sources and provide one of them to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts. Here are some of the filter web parts in MOSS Enterprise.
From a technical standpoint, the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts consume the IWebPartField interface. This is one of the interfaces provided by the List web parts as well as the Filter web parts. You can create your own web part and have it provide data through this interface as well.
The following help is available for troubleshooting the SharePoint Plugin:
The following methods are available for troubleshooting the SharePoint Features: