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This page describes how security is used within the SharePoint connector as well as corner cases with the security design.
Both SharePoint and Confluence use security to ensure that confidential information is not available to non-priviledged individuals. This is done through authentication and authorization.
Authentication - Establishing that a person is who they say they are. This is typically done through a login (username and password). Depending on the setup, this may involve transmitting passwords to perform the authentication.
Authorization - Allowing access to only those resources the individual is permitted to use or see. Authorization assumes that Authenication has already occurred.
Security Trimming - The act of trimming out items that an individual is not permitted to see. This can apply to links to wiki pages that are not accessible for the current user, SharePoint lists, etc.
Within SharePoint you can lock down some sites or lists such that only certain users have access to them. Within Confluence you can lock down some spaces or pages such that only certain users have access to them.
For more details on how to set up authentication for the SharePoint Connector, see Authentication Configuration.
The Confluence plugin obtains access to SharePoint through an administrative account defined on the SharePoint Admin page within Confluence. This account uses web services to retrieve SharePoint list and document library information to display to the user within a Confluence wiki page. This account is typically authorized to access more SharePoint information than a typical user.
When retrieving list and document library information, the current Confluence user is provided to SharePoint. This user must exist as an authorized user within the target SharePoint site and also must have read access to the requested list/library. If not, no list/library content is shown.
SharePoint Row Level Security is Not Honored
SharePoint allows for some list/library items to be hidden from others. Usually this is done at the list/library level and not specified on individual items. However, if some items are specified as more restrictive they are still shown to the Confluence user if the Confluence user has read access to the list. This is a known issue that is planned to be addressed in the near future. It can be tracked at CSI-297.
All links within SharePoint list/library items that are shown within a Confluence wiki page reference SharePoint directly. Therefore the security around how these links behave (i.e., opening a Word document in edit mode) is the same as if these links are shown within a SharePoint page.
The SharePoint web parts obtain access to Confluence either through an administrative account (non-SSO) or through a SSO account as defined on the Confluence Administrative Settings page within SharePoint. The account uses web services to retrieve Confluence page hierarchy and contents to display to the user within a web part. The administrative account is typically authorized to access more Confluence pages than a typical user.
When retrieving page content or hierarchy, the current SharePoint user is provivded to Confluence. The current user is defined as the SharePoint user (without any domain name) when not using Single Sign-on (SSO), or this is the mapped SSO user when using SSO. This user must exist as an authorized user within the target Confluence space. For the Confluence Page web part the user must also have view access to the requested Confluence page. If not, the page contents are not shown. For the Confluence Pages Tree View web part, only those pages the user can view are shown (the rest are security trimmed).
Including Private Pages from a Public Page
It is possible in a Confluence wiki page to include the contents of another page using the {include} macro. If for some reason, you edit a page that is generally available (Page A) to include the contents of a page that is not generally available (Page B), this works as expected within Confluence as well as with the Confluence Page web part within SharePoint. When a user authorized to see Page B views Page A, he/she sees the contents of Page A and the contents of Page B. When a user not authorized to see Page B views Page A, he/she sees the contents of Page A and an error such as: "Unable to render {include} Couldn't find a page to include called: Page B".
If you are using MOSS, the SharePoint Connector can be configured to have SharePoint crawl Confluence content using an administrative account. The administrative account is typically authorized to access more Confluence pages than a typical user, therefore the index likely has data that should not be accessible to everyone.
Because web site crawls cannot retrieve Access Control List (ACL) data the security trimming must be done when a user performs a query. Thus, when a search is performed by a user, a security trimmer is activated which verifies that the user has access to view each URL (i.e., Confluence Page) that would be shown as a search result. The current user is defined as the SharePoint username (without the domain) if Single Sign-on (SSO) is not being used. If SSO is being used, the current user is the mapped SSO user for the current SharePoint user. Only those URLs that the current user has acces to within Confluence are shown. This is important because summary text is shown in the search result that could display confidential information.
Including Private Pages from a Public Page
Unlike this scenario with the Confluence Page web part discussed above, this scenario poses a problem with search.
It is possible in a Confluence wiki page to include the contents of another page using the {include} macro. If for some reason, you edit a page that is generally available (Page A) to include the contents of a page that is not generally available (Page B), this works as expected when performing a search within Confluence. When a user authorized to see Page B performs a search within Confluence for content on Page B, only Page B shows as a search result (not Page A). When a user not authorized to see Page B performs a search within Confluence for content on Page B, no results are shown for Page B or Page A.
However, this does not work as well when searching within SharePoint. When a user authorized to see Page B performs a Confluence search within SharePoint for content on Page B, both Page A and Page B shows as a search result. When a user not authorized to see Page B performs a Confluence search within SharePoint for content on Page B, Page A shows as a search result. Page B is security trimmed out, but some the contents of Page B will show in the summary text in the search result. If the user subsequently clicks on the search result link for Page A, Page A is shown without the Page B contents (the "Unable to render {include} Couldn't find a page to include called: Page B" error is shown). This issue can be tracked at CSI-282.
The issue posed above is a corner case that may seem unlikely. However, if it is still a concern you can disable the {include} macro via Administration -> Plugin Manager -> Advanced Macros -> include -> disable.
For more help with search, visit Troubleshooting SharePoint Search.
Confluence and SharePoint are two loosely coupled systems and using them together involves passwords being transmitted over the network in certain circumstances. Care should be taken to ensure that these passwords cannot be compromised.
Use Secure Sockets
The best way to do this is to use secure sockets (SSL) for both SharePoint and Confluence. If you use "https://" instead of "http://" to reach SharePoint/Confluence, then you are using secure sockets. You might want to ensure that using "http://" does not work. See Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Configuration for more details on setting up SSL.
NTLM Helps
Using NTLM for both SharePoint and Confluence also helps in all client to server authentication (but not server to server authentication). See Authentication Configuration for more details on NTLM and the other authentication options.
If you are not using secure sockets, you should understand when passwords are sent over the wire. When reviewing the list below, consider the network involved. For example, a client browser may hit a SharePoint or Confluence server by going over the Internet where communications can be compromised. However, you may require all access to be through a VPN in which case you probably only need to be concerned about hackers that have gained access to your internal network. Server to server communications is likely kept within your internal network so you probably only need to be concerned about hackers with internal access as well.
On Authentication Configuration there is an option to use Microsoft SSO to maintain single sign-on between SharePoint and Confluence. This involves storing the Confluence credentials within a secure database that SharePoint has access to. Then SharePoint will use these credentials to gain access to Confluence. With the Microsoft SSO option, the following occurs:
Without the Microsoft SSO option, the following occurs:
If SharePoint is indexing Confluence content for integrated search, the following occurs when SharePoint is crawling Confluence:
All communication from Confluence to SharePoint currently assumes NTLM or Basic authentication for SharePoint. NTLM like SSL is fairly secure (both involve encryption), but Basic authentication sends credentials as clear text over the wire. The following applies to NTLM as well as Basic authentication, but should be understood carefully if using Basic authentication.
Regardless of the type of authentication SharePoint is using (NTLM/Basic), the following occurs: