About patterns

For collecting data from remote Systems or Devices the Patterns are used to describe how to get information and transforming that to Discovery-Objects. The best way to see which Objects are possible is to generate Host and Device Examples with "Discovery.exe -e".

Pattern Structure

A Pattern is a XML File wich can contain the following Nodes:

A version string for the pattern
<PatternID>(tick)A unique string for each pattern
<AlternativePattern>(tick)A pattern that will be used instead of that one (e.g. used for PowerShell)

Describes which type of execution will be proceed by the Discovery-Tool to collect information.

All possible Process Types are listed under 1.1.


Describes for which type of Discovery-Object the pattern is responsible.

All possible Pattern Types are listed under 1.2.


It is possible to have multiple Pattern for one Discovery-Object,

the order number is used to set in which order the Pattern are executed.

(For example you can see in the pattern folder 3 Pattern for Linux Network Interface)


Contains the Command that will be executed on the Remote-System.

The command depends on the Process Type examples are listed under 1.1:


Contains the C# SourceCode to processing result data to Discovery-Objects.

For more details see Creating Custom Pattern


If set to true, the CommandProvider will not observe the cache.

Per default a command result will be stored in the cache and the result of the same command will be read from the cache.

The cache is just persistent for a scan session.

<RegValue>(error)The Registry Variable that would be read in combination with the Command used by WMIRegValue.
<ApplicationName>(error)The name of the application that is used to collect extended information for
<ContextName>(error)Optional SNMP Walk context name
<WMINamespace>(error)define an alternative WMI Namespace for the initial command

Process Types

TypeExample CommandCommand Result TypeDescription
SSHExecuteifconfig -aStringExecutes a SSH Command on a connected Remote Unix System
WMIQuerySELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystemManagementObjectCollectionExecutes a WMI Query on a connected Remote Windows System
WMIExecutenetstat -anString

Executes a Command on a connected Remote Windows System




The result object can any type of a registry value

By WMIRegValue the Command contains the Registry Path and reads the Value described in the <RegValue> Node of the Pattern.

The "Root" is set by default to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" and should not included in the command.

The Result is an object containing all Variations of an Registry Variable.




By WMIRegValueList the Command contains the Registry Path and returning the "subKeys" of the Registry Path.

The "Root" is set by default to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" and should not included in the command.

PowerShellExecuteGet-WmiObject win32_computersystemStringExecutes a PowerShell-Command on a connected Remote Windows System



ExtendedInformation is an object with two attributes:

Executes a SNMP GET Command for the given MIB's.

Returning a List of ExtendedInformation, a ExtendedInformation containing the Name (the MIB) and the Value of the MIB.



ExtendedInformation is an object with two attributes:

Executes a SNMP WALK Command for the given MIB's.

Returning a List of ExtendedInformation, a ExtendedInformation containing the Name (the MIB) and the Value of the MIB.

Command Result Types

In Discovery 3 version every Pattern Process Type has a Command Result implementation.

Process Type

Command Result Type







Pattern Types

The pattern type defines which type of Discovery-Object are returning as result from the processing.

The result of Discovery-Objects will be merged. For example in the Discovery/pattern folder you can see multiple HostInfo pattern, they are all collecting partial results of a host and the Discovery-Tool merging the Attributes together.

Typeexample Pattern (inlcuded)Description



Processing collected data for a Host.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing a HostInfo-Object.


Processing collected data for a Host or a Device.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing a DeviceInfo-Object.




Processing collected data for NetworkInterfaces.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the NetworkInterface-Objects of the parent system.




Processing collected data for CPUs.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the CPUInfo-Objects of the parent system.




Processing collected data for OS.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the OSInfo-Objects of the parent system.




Processing collected data for FileSystems.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the FileSystemInfo-Objects of the parent system.




Processing collected data for Applications.

The pattern function (PerformAction) returning a list of ApplicationInfo-Objectsof the parent system.



Processing collected data for Patches.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the PatchInfo-Objects of the parent system.


Processing collected data for ApplicationServices.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the ApplicationServiceInfo-Objects of the parent system.


Processing collected data for License.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the License for the Operating-System

ApplicationProductKeyExample: Application Product Key

Processing collected data for License.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the License for the Applications of the parent system.


Processing collected data for User.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the User of the parent system.


Processing collected data for Groups.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the Groups of the parent system.


Processing collected data for Extended Informations.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the ExtendedInformation-Objects of the parent system.



Example: SNMP Extended Values

Processing collected data for Extended Informations.

The pattern function (PerformAction) processing the ExtendedInformation-Objects of the parent system.

ConnectedPeripherieWindows_Peripherie_USB_Storage.patProcessing collected data for Connected Devices of the parent system.



Processing collected data for a lis of Virtual Guests

The patten function (PerformAction) processing the Host-Objects (like virtual guest machines) of the parent system.


Post Processing pattern will be executed after all the pattern types and can be used to add or modify host/device information

The pattern function (PerformAction) returning a HostInfo- or a DeviceInfo-Object.

Creating custom patterns

For creating a custom pattern navigate to the Discovery/pattern folder. Here you can create a new file (UTF-8) with the ending .pat or you copy and modifying an existing pattern of the Pattern-Type you want. The best practice to develop and test a new pattern is to extract a separate Discover-Tool Instance and setting up a connection to the Host or Device that returning the result data you want to handle with.

Then remove all Pattern excluding a "main" HostInfo Pattern (Linux_Hostinfo_Hostname.pat, Windows_Hostinfo_Hostname_Model.pat, SNMP_Deviceinfo_Default.pat) it is mandatory to have a "main" HostInfo Object with the including Hostname. With this Setup it is possible to fast testing a new pattern without waiting of the response of all other Pattern.

Be sure that your new Pattern are containing all required XML-Nodes, the <Processing>-Node containing the C# class to process the result data from the command to a Discovery-Object. The functionality is that the Discovery-Tool reading the C# Source Code that is including the <Processing>-Node and invoking the PerformAction-Method of the PatternExec-Class.

The PerformAction Method is mandatory and the Discovery-Tool invoking it with an object array that are including the following 4 objects:

parameterobject typedescription
parameters[0]Command ResultContaining the result of the initial pattern command


Containing the executing Provider-Class that is connected to the discovering system.

This provider will be used in the pattern to execute other commands if required.


Containing the HostInfo-/Device-Object that is initial created on the start of the scan.

For connecting to Host or Devices there are 4 Types of Providers used by the Discovery-Tool, the following described Providers handling the connection and execution of commands to collecting data.

Inside of a Pattern you have the availability to use the actual connected Provider to execute additional commands if more informations from the System are needed.


The SSH-Provider-Class is connected to a Linux System and can be used insight of a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode

// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
SSHProvider ssh = (SSHProvider)parameters[1];
// using the SSH-Provider to execute a command and receiving the result.
var result = (SSHExecuteResult)ssh.ExecuteCommand("hostname"); // returning the hostname of a Linux System

For example a cast SSHProvider is used in the "Linux_Hostinfo_Hostname.pat" Pattern.


The WMI-Provider-Class is connected to a Windows System and can be used insight of a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode

// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
WMIProvider wmiProvider = (WMIProvider)parameters[1];
// using the WMI-Provider to read a Registry Value.
var result = (WMIRegValueResult)wmiProvider.GetRegistryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<Key>", "DisplayName");
// using the WMI-Provider to get a List of all Registry-Sub-Keys.
var result = (WMIRegValueListResult)wmiProvider.GetSubKeysFromRegistry("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\");

//using the WMI-Provider to execute a WMI query receiving the result.
var result = (WMIQueryResult)wmiProvider.ExecuteWMIQuery("netstat -an");

//using the WMI-Provider to execute a command and receiving the result.
var result = (WMIExecuteResult)wmiProvider.ExecuteWMICommand("netstat -an");


The SNMP-Provider-Class is connected to a SNMP Device and can be used insight of a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
SNMPProvider snmp = (SNMPProvider)parameters[1];
// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPGet command and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_GET, true);
// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPWalk command and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_WALK, true);

// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPWalk command with contextName and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_WALK, "myContext",true);


The SNMP-Provider-Class is connected to a VMWare ESXi System and can be used insight of a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
VIMProvider snmp = (SNMPProvider)parameters[1];
// using the VIM-Provider to execute a command and receiving the results
var result = (VIMCommandResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("HostSystem");

Additional Functions


If you want to set a Date Attribute for a Discovery-Object like the InstallDate for an Application it must be in a specific Format ("MM/dd/yyyy").

You can use the delivered ImportService.ImportDate Method that will do the transformation for you:

using Insight.Discovery.Tools; // Include the Discovery Tools Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// using the ImportDate Method to transform the Date string of a result Object
discoveryObject.InstallDate = ImportService.Instance.ImportDate("resultDateString");
// The following input formats will be transformed:
// "MM/dd/yy", "M/dd/yy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M/dd/yyyy", "MM/dd/yy", "M/d/yy", "MM/d/yyyy", "M/d/yyyy", "yyyyMMdd", "yyMMdd", "dd.MM.yy", "dd.MM.yyyy", "MMM-dd-yy", "MMM-dd-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"


If you want to write entrys into the Discovery Logfile you can use the delivered LogService Class.

using Insight.Discovery.Tools; // Include the Discovery Tools Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// creating a "normal" log entry
LogService.Instance.LogNormal("My normal log entry");
// creating a "debug" log entry with additional Exception object
	LogService.Instance.LogDebug("a debug log entry");
	// Code that could raise an exception
catch (Exception ex)
	LogService.Instance.LogError("Log of an exception", ex);

Custom Pattern examples

Example: SNMP Extended Values

It is possible to extend the Information of a SNMP Device.

You must know which OID-Number returning the Value that should be discovered. In the processing script the return value of the OID will be mapped to a ExtendedInformation.

The following example is sending 3 OID's to discover different RAM Information.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScanPattern xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses.CommandResult.ResultTypes;
    using Insight.Discovery.Tools;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses.CommandResult;
    namespace Insight.Discovery {
      public class PatternExec {
        public void PerformAction(object[] parameters)
            DeviceInfo deviceInfo = (DeviceInfo)parameters[2];
            if (deviceInfo.ExtendedInformations.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    deviceInfo.ExtendedInformations = new List<ExtendedInformation>();

                var commandResult = (SNMPExecuteResult)parameters[0];

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> item in commandResult)
                    switch (item.Key)
                        case "": // OID to get available RAM
                            if (item.Value != null)
                                    long t = 0;
                                    long.TryParse(item.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "").Trim(), out t);

                                    if (t > 0)
                                        deviceInfo.ExtendedInformations.Add(new ExtendedInformation() { Name = "RAM Total", Value = (t / 1024).ToString() });

                        case "": // OID to get used RAM
                            if (item.Value != null)
                                    long t = 0;
                                    long.TryParse(item.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "").Trim(), out t);

                                    if (t > 0)
                                        deviceInfo.ExtendedInformations.Add(new ExtendedInformation()
                                        { Name = "RAM Used", Value = (t / 1024).ToString() });
                        case "": // OID to get free RAM
                            if (item.Value != null)
                                    long t = 0;
                                    long.TryParse(item.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "").Trim(), out t);

                                    if (t > 0)
                                        deviceInfo.ExtendedInformations.Add(new ExtendedInformation() { Name = "RAM Free", Value = (t / 1024).ToString() });
            catch (Exception ex)
            { LogService.Instance.LogDebug("Error getting Extended SNMP RAM Information.", ex); }

Example: Application Product Key

It is possible to add a discovered Licence-Information to an Application. For example if you know that a Licence File exists you can add a Pattern that read this file.

In the following example the pattern is reading a file "lic" that contains the Licence-Key for the Linux-Application "apt".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- © Mindville -->
<ScanPattern xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    cat /etc/apt/lic
    using System;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses;
    using Insight.Discovery.Tools;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses.CommandResult.ResultTypes;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace Insight.Discovery {
      public class PatternExec {        
          public void PerformAction(object[] parameters)
            HostInfo hostInfo = (HostInfo) parameters[2];

                SSHExecuteResult sshExecuteResult = (SSHExecuteResult)parameters[0];

                string input = sshExecuteResult;

                if (input != string.Empty)
                    if(hostInfo.OS.License == null)hostInfo.OS.License = new LicenseInfo();

                    hostInfo.OS.License.LicenseKey = input.Trim();
            catch (Exception ex)
            { LogService.Instance.LogDebug("Error getting apt product key Information", ex); }

Example: Application Extended Information

It is possible to extend the Information of any object type.

IN the following example, we exten the host info with some extended informations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScanPattern xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    netstat -an
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Insight.Discovery.Tools;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses;
    using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses.CommandResult.ResultTypes;
    using Insight.Discovery.Tools.Networking;
    namespace Insight.Discovery {
      public class PatternExec {
        public void PerformAction(object[] parameters)
            HostInfo hostInfo = (HostInfo)parameters[2];
                SSHExecuteResult sshExecuteResult = (SSHExecuteResult)parameters[0];

                string input = sshExecuteResult;

                if (input != string.Empty)
                    if (hostInfo != null)
                        string[] lines = input.Split('\n');
                        ExtendedInformation tcpPortInfo = new ExtendedInformation() { Name = "TCP Ports", Value = string.Empty };
                        ExtendedInformation udpPortInfo = new ExtendedInformation() { Name = "UDP Ports", Value = string.Empty };

                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]) && lines[i].Contains(":")
                                && (lines[i].ToLower().StartsWith("tcp") || lines[i].ToLower().StartsWith("udp")))
                                string[] parts = lines[i].TrimReduce().Split(' ');

                                    for (int x = 0; x < parts.Length; x++)
                                        if (parts[x].Contains("]"))
                                            parts[x] = parts[1].Substring(parts[x].IndexOf("]"));

                                        if (parts[0].ToLower().StartsWith("tcp") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[x]) &&
                                            if (!tcpPortInfo.Value.Contains(parts[x].Split(':')[1]))
                                                tcpPortInfo.Value += parts[x].Split(':')[1] + ",";

                                        if (parts[0].ToLower().StartsWith("udp") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[x]) &&
                                            if (!udpPortInfo.Value.Contains(parts[x].Split(':')[1]))
                                                udpPortInfo.Value += parts[x].Split(':')[1] + ",";

                        if (hostInfo.ExtendedInformations.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            hostInfo.ExtendedInformations = new List<ExtendedInformation>();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tcpPortInfo.Value) && tcpPortInfo.Value.EndsWith(","))
                            tcpPortInfo.Value = tcpPortInfo.Value.Substring(0, tcpPortInfo.Value.Length - 1);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(udpPortInfo.Value) && udpPortInfo.Value.EndsWith(","))
                            udpPortInfo.Value = udpPortInfo.Value.Substring(0, udpPortInfo.Value.Length - 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { LogService.Instance.LogDebug("Error getting ReferencedHosts Information", ex); }


Modifying patterns

It is possible but not recommend to modify delivered Pattern. If there are any missing Information the best practice is to add a new pattern, the missing Information will be merged to the Discovery-Object. If you are modified a delivered Pattern, you should save that Pattern external to pretend the lose of your change by updating the Discovery-Tool.

When you updating the Discovery-Tool with the updater, the updater will ask you before overwriting the modified Pattern.

Removing patterns

You can disable a pattern file in general:

  • go to the Pattern Tab and uncheck the unwanted pattern

You can disable a pattern file for a specific scan range

  • got to the Scan Setting an select the pattern files that you don't want to use
  • No labels