Configuring your Bamboo Server Connections
To configure your Bamboo server connection(s):
- Go to the 'Project Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
- Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialog, then go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector'
- Or you can click the configuration icon
on your connector window.
- Click the 'Servers' tab.
To add a Bamboo server:
- Click the plus icon
on the configuration panel.
- A list of server types will appear. Select 'Add Bamboo Server'.
- A form will appear. Enter the information as follows:
- 'Server Enabled' — Leave this checkbox ticked (default). If necessary, you can remove the tick to disable particular servers without deleting them. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you don't have access to them.
- 'Server Name' — A description of your Bamboo server.
- 'Server URL' — The address of your Bamboo server.
- 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the Bamboo server.
- Remember Password — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked if you want to be asked for a password every time you start your IDE.
If you choose to remember the password, it is stored in a Base64 encoding, so it is not really secure.
- 'Use Default Credentials' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to use the single username and password that you have defined as your default credentials. You can set the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab.
- Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works. A list of build plans will appear.
- If your Bamboo build server is located in a different time zone than you, you can manually adjust the 'Time Zone Difference'. You should specify a positive difference if your time is ahead of your build server (e.g. you are in Russia and the build server is in the UK). You should specify a negative difference if your time is behind your build server (e.g. you are in the US and your build server is in Spain).
- Now select the Build Plans that the connector will watch. You can either select plans manually from the list of plans defined on the Bamboo server, or simply use your favorite plans as defined on the server. Your favorite plans are marked with a yellow star
- Click 'Apply' to save your changes and continue with server configuration, or 'OK' to save your changes and close the configuration tab.
- Now you can configure the Bamboo options, as described below.
You can add more than one Bamboo server.
Configuring your Bamboo Options
- Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialog, then go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector'
- Define the behavior of the popup window that is shown when the status of the build changes. (See Working with Bamboo Builds in IDEA.)
- Set the polling interval that the connector will use to monitor build plans on all defined Bamboo servers. Specify the value in minutes.
Working with Bamboo Builds in IDEA