Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.


Introducing the Project Charts and ... the pluggable GreenHopper!!!

Highlights of this release:

GreenHopper is Now Pluggable

You can add your own JIRA plugins into GreenHopper by adding a simple greenhopper-plugin.xml file into your plugin's jar. As for now, we offer one entry point; The menu of the detailed card. We do intend to add more entry points in the upcoming releases.

The descriptor of the card menu item looks exactly like the descriptor of the JIRA web-item plugin.

Links Hierarchy Reports's greenhopper-plugin.xml
<greenhopper-plugin name="Hierarchy" key="hierarchy">
         <description key="hierarchy.desc">Hierarchy plugin for GreenHopper</description>
         <application-version min="3.4" max="3.4" />
         <vendor name="Pyxis" url="" />
      <menu-item key="menu-item" name="" class="com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.plugins.GreenHopperPlugin">
         <icon height="16" width="16">
         <condition class="com.pyxis.jira.condition.MenuCardCondition"/>


  1. the <link> specifies the link url location of your menu item. Your link url will be decorated with:
    • pid — the project Id
    • id — the issue id
    • fixfor — the version id
    • type — the board type that your card is in (useful for "Back" urls)
  2. pluginKey:moduleKey are the keys of your JIRA plugin descriptor.
  3. com.pyxis.jira.condition.MenuCardCondition implements com.atlassian.plugin.web.Condition
More examples will be published soon. Stay tuned!

Project Metric Charts

From the released version panel's () you will have access to the Project Overview charts based on your metrics. These charts are computed based on the first level versions that were released of the project.

Value Chart is Now Showing the Average Velocity

Instead of showing the total value of a metric that you have committed in a master version, the value chart now shows the average burned value of that metric in the children versions of the master version. In the case of story points in Agile projects, we are talking about the velocity of the team.

Version and Components Now Directly Editable from the Cards in All Boards

In the previous version of GreenHopper, the version field was only editable from the "By Version" mode of the Planning board. And in similar fashion, the component field was only editable from the "By Component" mode of the Planning board. In GreenHopper 3.4 these issue fields are now editable in the detailed cards and this from ALL boards.

Quick Access to the "My Issues" from Any Contexts

In order to grab all the power of the sharable contexts introduced in GreenHopper 3.2, we have added a quick and easy way to access your own issues. Thus you do not need to duplicate contexts just to personalise them.

Easy Registration of the Version and Component Synchroniser Listeners and The Nightly Service

In order to help you keep your versions/components hierarchy integrity we have added the version/component listeners synchronisers. These listeners synchronisers will detect and repair all the issues that are missing some versions/components based on your hierarchies. You can add these listeners synchronisers directly from your JIRA > Administration > GreenHopper >>> GreenHopper Listeners and Services.

Also you can enable the nightly service of GreenHopper which optimises and repairs the GreenHopper ranking fields of your projects.

Personal Licence Updated

The free GreenHopper Personal license was updated to match the JIRA's personal licence.

  • three registered users with full access and unlimited anonymous visitors
  • your own deployment of a fully functional version of GreenHopper
  • perpetual use

The free Personal JIRA license comes with a few restrictions:

  • GreenHopper Personal license holders are not entitled to GreenHopper support.
  • all GreenHopper Personal licenses are solely permitted for personal, non-commercial environments.

And Much More

  1. PlanningBoard column page is now remembered.
  2. Better Handling of the Close JIRAIFrame Event
  3. GreenHopper Configuration Navigation Enhanced
  4. UI polishing

Fixes and Improvements

type key summary priority status

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