Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed; read more).

The Classic Planning Board in GreenHopper offers several viewing 'modes'. Each mode presents the issues grouped by a specific criterion (e.g. grouped by versions), and allows you to easily filter issues within these groups (e.g. filter by a specific version).

You can also drag and drop cards on the Planning Board, allowing you to easily prioritise and schedule issues. For more information, see Scheduling and Assigning Issues in GreenHopper Classic.

(tick) Tip: You can also change the way each issue is presented on the Planning Board, i.e. cards, summaries, list. See Using Classic Planning Board Views for more information.

To select the viewing mode for your Classic Planning Board,

  1. Login to JIRA.
  2. Select Agile > Classic in the top navigation bar. Then select Classic Planning Board from the drop-down below the project name.
  3. Select your project from the project dropdown at the top left of the Classic Planning Board, if it is not already selected. The Planning Board will refresh with information for your project.
  4. Select the viewing mode for your Classic Planning Board from the View Mode dropdown:

    Each of the view modes are described below:



On this page:

Project Overview


The Project Overview mode will display all of the issues in your product backlog. Your product backlog consists of all issues assigned to your project that are not yet scheduled, or are associated with at least one unreleased JIRA fix version.

The summary box in the right-hand column will show the overall statistics of your product backlog.

Screenshot: Summary box in Project Overview view mode

Click here for a detailed description of the right-hand column.

The Project Overview mode is ideal for ranking issues, as you can view your entire product backlog at once and change the rankings simply by dragging and dropping cards. Read more in Ranking Issues in GreenHopper Classic.

(tick) Tip: If there are too many issues displayed on your Planning Board, you can filter them using 'contexts'. Read more about using contexts in Using Contexts to Filter and Highlight Issues.



The Version mode will display all of the issues for your project, grouped by the unreleased versions (for details see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions. Each issue will be grouped in the version that they are assigned to be fixed in (i.e. 'Fix For Version' in JIRA). Issues in released versions are not shown in this view.

The right-hand column will have a box for each unreleased JIRA version in your project, as well as an 'Unscheduled' box for all issues not associated with a version.

Simply click on one of these boxes or select the version from the version dropdown (next to the 'View' dropdown) to view all issues associated with that version.

Screenshot: Version box in Project Overview view mode

Click here for a detailed description of the right-hand column.

The version name is shown in the header of the version box and the information about the version is shown in the main body of the box.
The 'Version' mode is ideal for scheduling issues, as you can easily move cards between versions by dragging and dropping them onto the version boxes. Read more about scheduling issues in Scheduling and Assigning Issues in GreenHopper Classic.



The Component mode will display all of the issues for your project, grouped by the components (for details see the JIRA documentation on Defining a Component). Within your chosen component, you can further categorise the issues by Version: use the sub-drop-down that will appear next to the View Mode dropdown.

The right-hand column will have a box for component in your project, as well as an 'Unknown' box for all issues not associated with a component.

Simply click on one of these boxes or select the component from the component dropdown (next to the View dropdown) to view all issues associated with that component on the Planning Board.

Screenshot: Component box in Project Overview view mode

Click here for a detailed description of the right-hand column.

The component name is shown in the header of the component box and the information about the component is shown in the main body of the box.

The Component mode is ideal for monitoring the progression of your components.



The Assignee mode will display all of the issues for your project, grouped by the assignee. You can further categorise the assignee's issues by Version, by using the sub-drop-down that will appear next to the View Mode dropdown.

The right-hand column will have a box for each assignable user (i.e. user with the 'Assignable User'  permission) in your project, as well as an 'Unassigned' box for all issues not assigned to a user.

Simply click on one of these boxes or select the assignee from the assignee dropdown (next to the View dropdown) to view all issues associated with that assignee on the Planning Board.

Screenshot: Assignee box in Project Overview view mode

Click here for a detailed description of the right-hand column.

The assignee name is shown in the header of the assignee box and the information about the assignee is shown in the main body of the box.

The Assignee mode is ideal for monitoring the workload of your users.

(info) If your list of Assignees is too long, you may want to limit the number of users who have the JIRA 'Assignable User' permission for your project. An easy way to do this is to use Project Roles.