Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
This release main focus was user requests. We have also fixed an important performance issue that was introduced in GreenHopper 3.1.1.
On this page:
Since GreenHopper 3.1 we have worked very hard to reduce the resource consumption of GreenHopper. We did succeed on that task but the undesired side effect was performance loss:
Since performance is one of our main concern, if you do experience bad waiting experience and you tried most of our performance tips please do not hesitate to let us know by raising an issue on our support system in the 'JIRA Support' project..
You can now print all your charts - Hour Burndown, Issue Burndown, Field Charts and Released Charts. Very very popular request!
In your list view you can now add a fourth optional field via your:
Project > Planning Board > Configuration > CARDS >>> List View Template
This field will be the same for all planning board views (Overview, Versions and Components). Another very popular request!
Finally the issue security is supported in GreenHopper. You can add the field in your issue views (card, summary or list). If the field is not in your quick card creation the default security level will be applied to your issue.
The GreenHopper ranking field is based on issues that the Project lead can see. If your security levels hides some issues from the project lead these issues will not be rankable.
GreenHopper will now display the JIRA announcement banner through all its boards. Making the user interface more consistent with the JIRA look and feel.
You can now have a plain text version of the release notes generated by GreenHopper.
In the previous versions of GreenHopper, the Chart board was accessible if and only if the JIRA time tracking was enabled. This was not very practical for teams that did not have any use of the time tracking system but needed to see some metric charts. GreenHopper 3.3 now unlocks the Chart board even if the JIRA time tracking is disabled.