The GreenHopper Planning Board allows you to select multiple issues and perform JIRA
on them. Bulk Operations enable you to save time by performing the following operations on multiple issues at once:
- Workflow Transition
- Delete
- Move
- Edit

Note that you will only be able to perform Bulk Operations if you have the 'Bulk Change'
global permission, plus appropriate
permission(s) in the relevant project(s).
To modify bulk issues in GreenHopper,
- Log into JIRA.
Select 'Agile' > 'Classic' in the top navigation bar. Then select 'Classic Planning Board' from the drop-down below the project name.
- Select your project from the project dropdown in the top navigation bar, if it is not already selected.
- Select one or multiple issues (i.e. cards) with your mouse.
- If you are using the 'Cards' or 'Summaries' viewing mode, click the blank area of each card's 'header' (i.e. the top section of the card, containing the issue key).
- If you are using the 'List' viewing mode, click the coloured vertical bar at the far left of the row.
To select multiple issues, you can do either of the following:
- Selecting multiple ungrouped cards (i.e. cards that are not adjacent to each other) — Hold down 'CTRL' on your keyboard and click to select the desired cards.
- Selecting multiple grouped cards (i.e. cards adjacent to each other) — Click a card, hold down 'SHIFT' on your keyboard and click another card above or below the first one (or two or more cards to the left or right of the first). All cards between and including the cards you clicked will be selected.
Tip: If you hold down 'SHIFT' on your keyboard and click an issue, without clicking a card first, then all issues from the top of the Planning Board down to the clicked issue will be selected.
- Select 'Bulk Change' from the 'Tools' menu.
- The JIRA 'Bulk Operations - Step 1' screen will appear. It will display all the issues from your Planning Board, with your chosen issues selected.
- Verify that your desired issues are selected, then click the 'Next' button.
- On the next screen, choose the Bulk Operation you wish to perform:
- 'Delete' — if this operation is selected, the final step is confirmation of the delete operation on the issues selected.
- 'Edit' — is this operation is selected, the next screen provides a list of the available edit operations that can be performed on the selected issues. Some operations may be unavailable; For details please see the 'Bulk Edit' section of the JIRA documentation. The final step is confirmation of the edit operation(s) on the selected issues.
- 'Move' — if this operation is selected, the next screens allow a target project and issue type to be selected, with the ability to migrate workflow statuses and update required fields as necessary. For details please see the 'Bulk Move' section of the JIRA documentation.
- 'Workflow Transition' — if this operation is selected, the next screen shows the available workflow transitions that can be performed on the issues. The transitions are grouped by workflow — along with a list of the affected issues for each workflow transition. Once an operation is selected, the appropriate field screen for that operation is displayed, allowing any necessary field edits that are required to complete the transition. Note:
- Only those issues associated with the selected transition will be updated.
- It is only possible to select one transition per bulk Workflow Transition operation.