Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
This release delivers the following enhancements to the Rapid Board:
This release also includes a number of fixes. For full details please see the GreenHopper 5.10 Release Notes and the GreenHopper 5.9.8 Release Notes.
In GreenHopper 5.10, Scrum support is now a core part of the product. This means that Plan mode is now automatically available for all Scrum boards — you no longer need to enable it via Labs. Likewise, the Scrum option will automatically be available whenever you create a new board. The Sprint Report now indicates (with an asterisk) issues that were added or removed after the sprint started: Scrum graduates from Labs
Sprint Report shows scope-change issues
The Sprint Report (previously known as the Sprint Retrospective Report) now shows burndown, and also displays a table showing you which issues were completed successfully during the sprint and which were not. GreenHopper will now suggest a name for your new sprint based on your previous sprint, e.g. if your previous sprint was called "Bob 1", GreenHopper will offer "Bob 2" as the default name for your new sprint. In GreenHopper 5.9.7 we introduced the ability to choose your preferred Estimation Statistic (e.g. Story Points). We now bring you the ability to do your tracking in hours, if you wish. This means that, for example, you can now choose to use Story Points for estimation, but time-tracking for burndown. If you do not have an Estimation Statistic applied to an issue, you will receive a warning when starting the sprint (unless your Estimate Statistic is set to Issue Count, which is calculated automatically). By popular request, you can now remove an issue from an in-progress sprint in Work mode. Simply click an issue to display its Detail View on the right of the screen, then click the cog icon: Once all the sub-tasks have been completed, it's time to resolve the parent issue. In GreenHopper 5.9.5 we introduced a prompt, when you move the last sub-task to the 'Done' column in Work mode, to remind you to move the parent too. But what if you resolved the sub-tasks in native JIRA instead? In GreenHopper 5.9.8, we now display a button on the parent issue the next time you visit Work mode. When you end a sprint, the Sprint Report will now be displayed automatically. View Burndown on the Sprint Report
Smarter Sprint Naming
Estimate in Story Points, Track in Hours
Enter your Estimation Statistic before starting a Sprint
Remove Issue from Active Sprint
Resolve Parent when Sub-Tasks are Done
See the Sprint Report when closing a Sprint