Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

11 December 2009
GreenHopper 4.2.1 is a maintenance release which includes a number of bug fixes and minor improvements as well as some neat new features, such as the ability to add a version on the Planning Board. Of special interest to Kanban teams is the ability to count issues as a statistic for use within Markers or Column Constraints. The icons in the Planning Board 'card' view and right-hand panel have been removed to minimise clutter; they are now displayed on hover only. The Markers have been updated to show additional information, and the GreenHopper 'Agile' gadget is now compatible with Confluence 3.1.

We're also very pleased to announce that GreenHopper 4.2.1 is available in Japanese. Special thanks to our partner Go2Group for providing this translation.

Highlights of this release:

Upgrading to GreenHopper 4.2.1 is free for all customers with an active GreenHopper license.

Upgrading to GreenHopper 4.2.1

You can download GreenHopper from the Atlassian website. If upgrading from a previous version, please read the GreenHopper 4.2.1 Upgrade Guide.

Add Versions on the Planning Board

For your convenience, we have added the ability to create new versions for your project directly from the GreenHopper Planning Board — without going to the JIRA administration screens.

Screenshot: Adding a new JIRA version in GreenHopper

See the documentation for details.

Issue Count statistic now included

If your team practices Kanban you will be happy to hear that GreenHopper now provides WIP (work-in-progress) limits on the Task Board via the introduction of a 'Standard issue count' statistic out-of-the-box. This can be used as a Marker on the Planning Board. It can also be used as a column constraint on the Task Board, and will provide a notification when the constraint – that is, the number of issues in a column — is exceeded.

Screenshot: Standard issue count, capacity exceeded

To limit the WIP by using the standard issue count, please see the documentation on Adding Constraints to your Classic Task Board Columns (Kanban).

GreenHopper Gadget for Confluence

Using Atlassian Confluence? GreenHopper 4.2.1 lets you use the Agile Gadget in your Confluence 3.1 pages.

Screenshot: The Agile Gadget on a Confluence page

To display the Agile Gadget on a Confluence page, please see the Confluence documentation on the Gadget Macro.

Fixes and Improvements

type key summary priority status

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

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