Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
A swimlane is a horizontal categorisation of issues in Work mode on a board. You can choose to set up your swimlanes in any of the following ways:
Base your swimlanes on... | Explanation |
Queries | One JQL query per swimlane (see below). By default, two swimlanes will be created:
You may want to create additional swimlanes which map to other values of your JIRA 'Priority' field, or use a different field to categorise your swimlanes (see examples below). |
Stories | One parent issue per swimlane (i.e. each swimlane contains all of the parent's sub-tasks), with issues that have no sub-tasks appearing below. Example (click to enlarge): |
Assignees | One assignee per swimlane, with any unassigned issues appearing below. |
No Swimlanes |
Note that only the owner of a board (or a person with the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission) can configure a board's swimlanes.
To choose whether to base your swimlanes on JQL queries, stories or assignees (or to have no swimlanes),
In the 'Base Swimlanes on' drop-down, select either Queries, Stories, Assignees or No Swimlanes, as described above.
Screenshot 1: the 'Board Configuration' screen — 'Swimlanes' tab.
If your swimlanes are based on JQL queries (rather than on stories or assignees), you can create/delete/change them as follows:
Click the Swimlanes tab.
If your swimlanes are based on Queries, you can edit your swimlanes as described in the following table and Screenshot 1 (above).
To do the following: | Do this: |
Add a new swimlane | In the blue area, type the 'Name', 'JQL', and optional a 'Description', then click the 'Add' button. Your new swimlane is added in the top swimlane position. |
Change the name of a swimlane | Click in the 'Name' area of the swimlane, modify the existing name and click the 'Update' button. |
Change the JQL of a swimlane | Click in the 'JQL' area of the swimlane, modify the existing JQL and click the 'Update' button. (See the examples below for some suggestions.) |
Delete a swimlane | Click the 'Delete' button at the right of the swimlane. |
Move a swimlane | Hover over the vertical 'grid' icon, then drag and drop the swimlane up or down to its new position. |
Some example JQL you might wish to use for your swimlanes:
Show all issues which belong to a particular component (e.g. 'User Interface'):
project = "Angry Nerds" AND component = "User Interface"
Show all issues which are due in the next 24 hours:
due <= "24h"
Show a separate swimlane for each member of your team, e.g.:
assignee = "Jane"
assignee = "Bob"
For more details, see the JQL documentation.