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This page provides an introduction to the 'service providers' list of an Atlassian application's OAuth administration page. It also shows you how to add other applications as service providers to your Atlassian application and to how edit or remove existing service providers.
(info) You should be familiar with Atlassian's implementation of the OAuth protocol (refer to the Introduction to OAuth) before reading the information on this page.

On this page:

The 'Service Providers' page contains a list of OAuth-compliant applications whose resources can be accessed by your Atlassian application. If a prospective service provider issues you with consumer key and shared secret to access their application's resources via OAuth, you can add these service provider details using the Service Providers page, thereby establishing an OAuth relationship between your application as a consumer and their application as a service provider.

Atlassian applications as service providers

Atlassian applications do not issue shared secrets. Hence, if your prospective service provider is another Atlassian application, do not use the Service Providers page to add that application as a service provider.

Instead, contact the administrator of the prospective Atlassian service provider application, requesting that they add your application as a consumer of their application's resources.

  • If your application is an Atlassian application too, you can provide the administrator of the service provider application with your application's URL. The administrator can then add your application as a consumer via the Consumer Base URL field of their OAuth Consumers page.
  • If your application is not an Atlassian application, you will need to provide the administrator of the service provider application with your application's consumer key and public key (or self-signed certificate). The administrator will then need to add your application as a consumer manually.

Upon first viewing your Atlassian application's Service Providers page, you are not likely to see any service providers listed on it (unless there are other administrators of your application who have been adding service providers). On this page, you can add a prospective service provider to your Atlassian application or remove an existing one. It is not possible to edit an existing service provider's details.

Adding a Service Provider of Resources to Your Atlassian Application

The OAuth Service Provider page allows you to add an application as a service provider of resources to your Atlassian application.

To add an application as a service provider of resources to your Atlassian application,

  1. On the 'OAuth Administration' page, click the 'Service Providers' tab if necessary to view your current list of service providers.
  2. Click the 'Add Service Providers' link.
  3. Complete the following fields which relate to the service provider application that you are adding:
    • Service Provider Name — Any descriptive name for the application. This field is mandatory, although the exact wording and format of the application is your choice.
    • Consumer Key — The application's consumer key. This field is mandatory and its contents must match the consumer key supplied by the application.
    • Shared Secret — The share secret supplied to you by the service provider. This secret is used to digitally sign all request tokens sent from your application as a consumer to the service provider. Hence, this information should remain known to you and your service provider only.
    • Description — A short description of the application. By convention, it is useful to include the name of the application and if applicable, its URL, somewhere within the description.
  4. Click the 'Add' button and the service provider is added as a new record into your Atlassian application's service providers list.

At any time, you can click 'Return to Service Provider List' to cancel adding service provider details to your Atlassian application.

Removing a Service Provider of Resources to Your Atlassian Application

In addition to adding service providers, the OAuth Service Provider page allows you to remove existing service providers to your Altassian application.
(warning) Once you remove a service provider application from your Altassian application's service providers list, then your Atlassian application will no longer be able to access that service provider's resources.

To remove a service provider of resources to your Atlassian application,

  1. On the 'OAuth Administration' page, click the 'Service Providers' tab if necessary to view your current list of service providers.
  2. Click the 'Remove' link next to the service provider you wish to remove.
    (info) You will be prompted to confirm this action. Be aware that any tokens which relate to this service provider will be removed and consequently, your application will no longer be able to access your service provider's resources.
  3. The service provider is removed from your Atlassian application's service provider list.
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