New gadgets marketplace app introduced in Confluence 9.2
Support for gadgets ended in Confluence 7.0.
We reintroduced the gadgets functionality in Confluence Data Center 9.2 in the External gadgets for Confluence marketplace app.
Learn more about new gadgets

The gadget directory displays all the gadgets that are available to users. These are the gadgets that users can add to their dashboard.

You need to have administrator privileges to add a gadget to the directory. If you have permission to add gadgets to and remove gadgets from the directory itself, you will see the 'Add Gadget to Directory' and 'Remove' buttons on the 'Add Gadget' screen, as shown below.

If you have administrator privileges, you can add gadgets from Atlassian applications such as Confluence, JIRA and others. You can also add gadgets from other websites such as iGoogle. Many public gadgets will work on an Atlassian dashboard. Some gadgets may rely on specific iGoogle features that will not work properly on Atlassian dashboards. In that case, you can simply remove the gadget from the directory.

On this page:

Security implications

Add only gadgets from sources that you trust. Gadgets can allow unwanted or malicious code onto your web page and into your application. A gadget specification is just a URL. The functionality it provides can change at any time.

There are two types of gadgets: those that must be installed as plugins, and those that can be added as simple gadget URLs.

Adding a Gadget that is Not a Plugin

If the gadget is hosted on another server and can be added to the directory as a simple URL, then you can simply add it via your dashboard's 'Add Gadget' option.

To add a gadget to your directory,

  1. First you need to find the URL for the gadget's XML specification file. Gadget authors and publishers make their gadget URLs available in different ways. Below are the instructions for an Atlassian gadget and a Google gadget.

    • Follow the steps below if you need to find the URL for a gadget that is published by an Atlassian application, such as JIRA or Confluence:
      A gadget's URL points to the gadget's XML specification file. In general, a gadget's URL looks something like this:

      If the gadget is supplied by a plugin, the URL will have this format:
      For example:

      To find a gadget's URL in JIRA:

      • Go to your dashboard by clicking the Dashboards link at the top left of the screen.
      • Click Add Gadget to see the list of gadgets in the directory.
      • Find the gadget you want, using one or more of the following tools:
        • Use the scroll bar on the right to move up and down the list of gadgets.
        • Select a category in the left-hand panel to display only gadgets in that category.
        • Start typing a key word for your gadget in the Search textbox. The list of gadgets will change as you type, showing only gadgets that match your search term.
      • Right-click the Gadget URL link for that gadget and copy the gadget's URL into your clipboard.

      To find a gadget's URL in Confluence:

      • Choose Help > Confluence Gadgets to see the list of available Confluence gadgets.
      • Find the gadget you want.
      • Right-click the Gadget URL link for that gadget and copy the gadget's URL into your clipboard.

    • Follow the steps below if you need to find the URL for a Google gadget:
      1. Go to the Google gadget directory. (You can also get there by clicking 'Add Stuff' from your iGoogle home page.)
      2. Search for the gadget you want.
      3. Click the link on the gadget to open its home page.
      4. Find the 'View source' link near the bottom right of the page. Right-click the link and copy its location to your clipboard. This is the gadget's URL.

  2. Now you can add the gadget to your directory. Go to the dashboard by clicking the 'Dashboard' link or the 'Home' link at the top left of the screen.
  3. The dashboard will appear. Click 'Add Gadget'.
  4. The 'Add Gadget' screen appears, showing the list of gadgets in your directory. See screenshot 1 below. Click 'Add Gadget to Directory'.
    (info) You will only see this button if you have administrator permissions for your dashboard.
  5. The 'Add Gadget to Directory' screen appears. See screenshot 2 below. Type or paste the gadget URL into the text box.
  6. Click 'Add Gadget'.
  7. The gadget appears in your gadget directory. (It will be highlighted for a short time, so that you can see it easily.)

Screenshot 1: Gadget directory with 'Add Gadget to Directory' button

Screenshot 2: Adding a gadget to the directory

Adding a Gadget that must be Installed as a Plugin

If the gadget must be installed as a plugin, you cannot add it via the gadget directory user interface.

Instead, you will need to follow your application's plugin management instructions.


The big list of Atlassian gadgets
Gadgets and Dashboards User Guide
Gadgets and Dashboards Administration Guide

Managing add-ons documentation

  • No labels


  1. I'm on step 3. "The dashboard will appear. Click 'Add Gadget'."


    I am at my dashboard, and I do not see the "Add Gadget" link anywhere.


  2. This is probably because you do not have an administrator account