In this step you will create some data in JIRA, including a project and an issue, for use in the subsequent stages of this integration procedure. Then you will create your own JIRA dashboard with a couple of gadgets. For this procedure, you need to be logged in as JIRA Admin.
- Create a project in JIRA:
- Click > Projects.
- In the Projects page choose Add Project.
- Select the 'Software Development' project type, then click Next
- Click Select
- Enter the following information:
- Name:
- Key:
- Name:
- Click Submit.
- Drop access to administrative functions:
- (As a matter of good practice you should drop access to administrative functions when no longer required.)
- Click Drop access link visible in the page header.
- Add two versions (1.0 and 2.0):
- Click Administration at the top of the project summary.
- Click Versions in the left-hand panel of the Dragons project screen.
- Enter the following information, then click Add:
- Name:
- Description:
Version 1.0
- Name:
- Do the same for
Version 2.0
- Add an issue to your project:
- Click Create at the top of your screen in order to create a new issue.
- Enter the following information about your new issue:
- Project:
Issue Type:
Click Next to see the full form- Summary:
Dragon slayer's equipment is defective
- Affects Version/s:
Assignee: Click
Assign to Me
, which will assign this task toCharlie of Atlassian
.- Description:
There's a hole in the dragon slayer's water bucket
- Original Estimate:
- Project:
- Click Create. You now have an issue with a key of 'DRA-1'. Click the issue key and take a look at your new issue.
- Create a new dashboard for all your dragon-related tasks, issues and general fire fighting:
- Click Dashboards > Manage Dashboards at top left of your JIRA screen.
- Click Create new dashboard.
- The Create New Dashboard screen appears. Enter the following information:
- Name:
Dragon Development Dashboard
- Description:
A dashboard for dragon slayers, fire fighters and like-minded brave souls
- Name:
- Leave the other fields at their default values and click the Add button at the bottom of the 'Create New Dashboard' screen (not the one next to 'Add Shares').
- Click on the dashboard name to edit it. You can now add gadgets.
- Click Add Gadget.
- The 'Gadget Directory' will appear, showing a list of the available gadgets for your JIRA dashboard. Enter 'projects' into the search box at top right of the gadget directory.
- The list of gadgets will change, to show only the gadgets that match your search term. Find the Projects gadget and click Add gadget.
- Find and add the Assigned To Me gadget in the same way.
- Click Close to go back to your dashboard.
- Drag the Assigned to Me gadget to the top right of your dashboard:
- Move your mouse pointer over the gadget's blue title bar.
- The cursor icon will change to a four-pointed arrow (or a hand). Click the gadget title bar with the left mouse button then drag the gadget to the right. Drop it in the space labeled 'Drag your gadget here.'
- Configure the Projects gadget to point to your 'Dragons' project:
- Select 'Dragons' from the Projects list in your Projects gadget.
- Leave the default values as configured for View and Number of Columns.
- Click the dropdown arrow next to Refresh Interval and select Every 15 Minutes.
- Click Save.
- Configure the Assigned to Me gadget:
- Leave the default values as configured for Number of Results and Fields to display.
- In Refresh Interval check off Every 15 Minutes.
- Click Save.