Beware, all ye who enter, for here be dragons! This is the starting point for the Atlassian Dragon Quest.

By the time you reach the end of this set of instructions, you will have an awesome Atlassian integrated development suite (details below). There's a good chance that the Atlassian Integration Dragon will scorch the clothes off your back somewhere along the way, so we'll also send you a free, limited-edition Atlassian DragonSlayer T-shirt when you have completed all the steps.

(info) Got JIRA? If you are already using JIRA, please start at Dragon Slayers with JIRA Already Installed.

Getting help

If you run into problems at any stage of the integration procedure, please raise a support ticket for the product you're stuck on. Please don't try to battle on alone. Instead, ask for help immediately. You can also see answers from the community.

Rushing into the Dragon's Lair

Error rendering macro 'widget'

com.atlassian.confluence.api.service.exceptions.IllegalURLException: The provided url- is not included in the whitelist!.Please add the url to whitelist to allow access

What's This All About?

We have put together these instructions for integrating a suite of Atlassian applications. Setting up the integrated suite will give you awesome results, but we know that the setup procedure can be long and difficult.

Why would we ask you to undertake this exercise?

  • We're issuing a challenge to our boldest and most skilled customers and evaluators.
  • We'd like to learn from your experiences, so that we can improve the setup and integration procedures.
  • It's another excuse to give away some T-shirts.

The Wins

When you have completed the final stage, you will have set up these Atlassian applications and features to work with each other:

If you slay the dragon, you win a free, limited-edition Atlassian DragonSlayer T-shirt too.

How Long Will It Take to Slay the Dragon?

We estimate that it will take 4 and a half hours to complete all the stages.

Getting Kitted Out

Before you start, please note the points below.


  • This guide is written for a technical audience. You will need to install a database, install the Atlassian applications and adjust the configuration files.
  • This guide assumes that you are starting from scratch, with no Atlassian applications installed or with only JIRA installed.
    • If you can start with a clean slate, with no Atlassian applications at all, please do continue with the integration procedure described on this page and its child pages.
    • If you have JIRA but nothing else, please start at Dragon Slayers with JIRA Already Installed.
    • If you already have Confluence, FishEye, Crucible or Bamboo, please consult our support team.
  • This guide assumes that you will be using a specific database and specific versions of the applications and plugins, as described in each stage of this guide. If you need to use other drivers or application versions, please consult our support team.
  • This guide assumes that you will set up all the applications on the same machine.

Hardware Requirements

We recommend the following:

  • A minimum of 3GB RAM. If your applications repeatedly crash during startup or normal usage, you may need to provide more RAM.
  • No other applications running – just the operating system, JAVA, PostgreSQL and the Atlassian applications.
  • 500MB disk space for application files.

Software Requirements

  • Program for extracting our downloaded archive files: Please check your unzip/unpack program before extracting any of the Atlassian downloaded zip or archive files. Some unzip/unpack programs cause errors.
    • Linux or Unix users can use any unpack program.
    • Solaris users must use GNU Tar instead of Solaris Tar.
    • Windows users should use a third-party unzip program like 7Zip or Winzip. If you do not have one, please download and install one before continuing:
      • 7Zip — Recommended. If in doubt, download the '32-bit .exe' version
      • Winzip
  • Operating System: The instructions are for Windows, UNIX and Linux. We do not offer instructions for Mac OS X as it is not a platform preferred by our customers. If you have specific questions about a platform that is not supported, please see answers from the community.
  • Application server: By following our instructions, you will set up the default installation of each Atlassian product, using the default Tomcat or Jetty server provided with each application.
  • Database: By following our instructions, you will set up a PostgreSQL database server in stage 1 and use the database server in all subsequent stages.
  • Source repository: For the purposes of this integration exercise, we have provided a read-only Bitbucket repository that you can connect to your FishEye and Bamboo installations. We recommend this repository because:
    • We have committed a code change with a JIRA issue key in the commit message. This will allow you to see the JIRA and FishEye integration immediately, without having to do your own commit.
    • The sample repository is small, so that FishEye's initial repository indexing process will be fast.
  • Build tool: For the Bamboo integration stages you will need a build tool, which Bamboo calls an executable. For this integration exercise, we assume that you are using Maven 2. You can use any of the build tools supported by Bamboo, such as Maven 1, Maven 2, Ant, PHPUnit and others. See the Bamboo documentation.
    (info) If you wish to use Maven 2 and do not yet have it installed, we recommend the Atlassian Plugin SDK. The SDK includes Maven 2 and a correctly-configured Maven settings.xml file, as well as a number of shell scripts to speed up and simplify plugin development. It also includes the Java Activation JAR (javax.activation:activation:jar) which you will need for a successful Maven build. If you would like to download the Java Activation JAR separately instead, see the FAQ.
  • Java Development Kit: You will need Oracle JDK 1.7 or higher. Note that the JRE alone is not enough. Stage 1 of these instructions will guide you through the installation process.

Other Notes

  • Virus checkers: If you have a virus checker running, there may be a delay in the availability of JAR files after you have placed a required JAR into a directory, while the virus checker scans the file. This may happen with the PostgreSQL database driver files, for example. If you receive an error saying that a driver or other such file is not available, wait a few minutes and try again.
  • Passwords: At several points in this integration procedure you will need to enter a password. The password will be used to secure your data. The password you choose is up to you, but it is important you pick something that is hard to guess. Take a moment now to think of a password. Here are some guidelines from AusCERT on choosing a good password. This will save you time later.
  • System shutdowns: At some point in the tutorial you may decide to shut down your computer and restart the tutorial at a later time. It is recommended that you stop running Atlassian services before shutting down your system. The commands to close JIRA and Confluence services can be located in the Start menu in Windows, or you can use the services.msc application. To shut down or start FishEye, go to the bin directory of your FishEye installation, and run the appropriate .bat file.

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