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[Crucible Knowledge Base]
Crucible has useful reports that show you detailed statistics on review activity. The Review Coverage report allows you to see how much of the code, and which files, in your repository have been reviewed, and when. You can also access the reviews.
This feature requires FishEye integrated with Crucible.
On this page:
Screenshot: The Review Coverage report
To open the Review Coverage report:
You can view coverage of any path by navigating down the tree to the desired path you want to view coverage on, before clicking on the Reports tab.
The summary panel displays the following metrics for your selected repository:
Screenshot: Summary Panel in the Review Coverage report
The Review Coverage Overview shows a timeline of reviews, compared against their percentage of coverage. Hover your mouse cursor over the data points on the graph to see granular information and click through to a detailed weekly report.
You can click the tabs to view the coverage expressed as a percentage of lines of code, changesets or revisions.
Screenshot: Overview Panel in the Review Coverage report
The Individual Committer Stats panel lets you choose a user from your Crucible instance and see all the changesets by that committer.
Screenshot: Individual Committer Statistics in the Review Coverage report
The Changesets panel lets you see changesets from your Crucible instance (for the time period of the report), and their level of review coverage. This information can be sorted by the columns in this view and uses colour coding to denote review coverage (listed in the table below).
Colour Key
Colour | State |
dark green | reviewed |
light green | in review |
red | not reviewed |
Screenshot: Changesets panel in the Review Coverage report