If you are experiencing issues with Crowd's OpenID server (CrowdID), please take the following steps to help diagnose the problem:
Step 1: Change the logging for Crowd's OpenID server and client.
- Change the openid package from INFO to DEBUG in
##################################################### # CROWD - CLASS-SPECIFIC LOGGING LEVELS ##################################################### # Set the following lines to DEBUG to enable logging on incoming, outgoing and fault SOAP messages log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd.integration.service.soap.xfire.XFireInLoggingMethodHandler=WARN log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd.integration.service.soap.xfire.XFireOutLoggingMethodHandler=WARN log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd.integration.service.soap.xfire.XFireFaultLoggingMethodHandler=WARN log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd.openid=DEBUG log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd=INFO
- Change the openid package from INFO to DEBUG in
##################################################### # CROWD - CLASS-SPECIFIC LOGGING LEVELS ##################################################### log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd.openid=DEBUG log4j.logger.com.atlassian.crowd=INFO
Step 2: Test CrowdID with the bundled OpenID client:
http://<your Crowd URL>:<Crowd port>/openidclient/
If these tests are not successful, attach the atlassian-crowd-openid-client.log
and atlassian-crowd.openid-server.log
files (in the same location specified by this guide) to a support issue at http://support.atlassian.com. Note the username of the account tested.
Step 3: Test CrowdID with your OpenID application:
If these tests are not successful, attach the atlassian-crowd-openid-client.log
and atlassian-crowd.openid-server.log
files (in the same location specified by this guide) to a support issue at http://support.atlassian.com. Note the username of the account tested and the OpenID application you are attempting to use.