This is the documentation for Clover 4.0. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Clover-for-Eclipse integrates with Eclipse's built-in Ant support and Ant execution. If you are using Ant with your builds, this makes accessing Ant tasks easier and more convenient launching them from the command line.

The Clover-Eclipse Ant support allows users to do the following:

  • Use Clover Ant tasks without declaring a taskdef element.
  • Use Clover Ant tasks without needing an additional license file (license information is taken from that entered in the plugin).
  • Get auto-complete support for Clover tasks when writing Ant build files within Eclipse.

Screenshot: The Auto-Complete Function for Clover Tasks in Clover-for-Eclipse


Next chapter: 9. Eclipse advanced topics.


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