Reports Code Coverage for the given coverage database to the console.
java com.atlassian.clover.reporters.console.ConsoleReporter [OPTIONS] PARAMS
Note: in Clover 3.1.x and older a class was named com.cenqua.clover.reporters.console.ConsoleReporter.
-i, --initstring <file> | The initstring of the coverage database. |
-t, --title <string> | Report title |
-l, --level <string> | The level of detail to report. Valid values are "summary", "class", "method", "statement". Default value is "summary". |
-p, --sourcepath <path> | The source path to search when looking for source files. |
-si, --showinner | Since 3.2.0: Show inner functions in the report (like a lambda function inside a method). |
-sl, --showlambda | Since 3.2.0: Show lambda functions in the report. |
-s, --span <interval> | Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build. See Using Spans. Default includes "all coverage data found". |
-u, --unittests | Since 3.1.6: Show unit tests results summary. By default summary is not listed. |
-c, --codetype | Since 3.1.6: The type of code to report on. Valid values are: APPLICATION, TEST, ALL. Default value: APPLICATION |
The ConsoleReporter.main() calls System.exit() and returns a non-zero value in case of error during report generation.
ConsoleReporter provides a simple API that accepts an array of strings representing the command line arguments and returns an integer result code. The following fragment illustrates use of the API:
import com.atlassian.clover.reporters.console.ConsoleReporter; ... String [] cliArgs = { "-l", "method", "-t", "Method Coverage", "-i", "clover.db" }; int result = ConsoleReporter.mainImpl(cliArgs); if (result != 0) { // problem during report generation }
java com.atlassian.clover.reporters.console.ConsoleReporter -i clover.db
Reads coverage for the Clover database "clover.db", and produces a summary report to the console.
java com.atlassian.clover.reporters.console.ConsoleReporter -l "method" -t "Method Coverage" -i clover.db
Produces the same report as above, but includes method-level coverage information, and a report title.