The Clover-for-Eclipse system requirements are as follows:
Eclipse Projects | Your Eclipse projects must use the built-in Java Builder for compilation of source code. We do not support AspectJ-based projects. |
JDK Version | See Supported Platforms |
Eclipse Version |
Operating System |
You need a valid Clover license file to run Clover. You can obtain a free 30 day evaluation license, purchase a commercial license or apply for a free open source license at
Known issues
- Projects initially instrumented/built using an earlier Clover plugin version or build may appear as grey in the Coverage Explorer. To resolve this, perform a clean build on your Clover-instrumented classes and select "Yes" when asked to delete coverage data.
You can either install the Clover-for-Eclipse from the live Clover Eclipse update site, Eclipse Marketplace or from a zipped archive downloaded manually.
1a. Installing the plug-in from the live Clover Eclipse update site
- Select from the menu "Help > Install New Software ...".
- Click "Add...", enter in the "Location" field. Click "OK".
- Select the entry "Clover 3.3.0 (Eclipse 3.6 - 4.3. and RAD 8.0 - 9.0)".
- Deselect the checkbox "Contact all update sites ... " for faster installation.
- Click "Next" twice, select the radio button next to "I accept the license agreement" and click the "Finish".
- Installation process will start.
- You will be asked to install unsigned content. Click "OK".
- You will be asked to restart Eclipse. Click "Restart now" to complete the installation.
1b. Installing the plug-in from a downloaded archive of the Clover Eclipse update site
- Download the most recent Clover Eclipse update site archive from the Clover downloads page.
- Select from the menu "Help > Install New Software ...".
- Click "Add...", next click "Archive..." and point to the location of the downloaded archive. Click "OK".
- Select the entry "Clover 3.3.0 (Eclipse 3.6 - 4.3. and RAD 8.0 - 9.0)".
- Deselect the checkbox "Contact all update sites ... " for faster installation.
- Click "Next" twice, select the radio button next to "I accept the license agreement" and click the "Finish".
- Installation process will start.
- You will be asked to install unsigned content. Click "OK".
- You will be asked to restart Eclipse. Click "Restart now" to complete the installation.
1c. Installing the plug-in from the Eclipse Marketplace
- Select from the menu "Help > Eclipse Marketplace ...".
- On the "Search" tab, in the "Find" field type "Clover" and click "Go".
- You shall see a message "0 matches. Browse for more solutions." Click on this link.
Clover is not listed in this dialogue due to license restrictions applied by Eclipse Marketplace. - An internal web browser view will open. Click the "Atlassian Clover for Eclipse" on a list of results.

- Plug-in page will open. Click the "Install" button.
- A dialogue with a list of features to install will open. Check that "Clover 3" and "Clover 3 Ant Support" are selected and click "Next".
- A license agreement will be displayed. Select the radio button next to "I accept the license agreement" and click the "Finish".
- Installation process will start.
- You will be asked to install unsigned content. Click "OK".
- You will be asked to restart Eclipse. Click "Restart now" to complete the installation.
2. Installing the license
- Obtain a valid trial, purchased or open source license from
- Within Eclipse, select from the menu "Window > Preferences" and click on "Clover > License".
- Paste the contents of your license file into the license text area or select your license file by clicking "Load...".
- Click "Apply". The license summary should now display status, type and message consistent with the type of license you entered.
- Click "OK" to close the window.
To uninstall the plug-in:
- Select from the menu "Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details".
- Select "Installed Software" tab.
- Find the Clover features in the list - there should be two: "Clover 3" and "Clover 3 Ant Support".
- Select both, right click and select "Uninstall...". Click "Finish" to confirm you want to proceed.
- Uninstallation process will start. You will be asked if you want to restart Eclipse. Click "Restart Now".