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Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Changes in 3.1.7 for Eclipse

31 August, 2012

This is a bugfix release which addresses bugs found in 3.1.6 and earlier versions of Clover-for-Eclipse.



Improved and corrected coverage reports in Eclipse IDE:

  1. In case when per-test coverage is enabled, the pop-up shows correct hit count value (instead of 0 / 1).
  2. The left ruler has the same orange colour as code background in case of coverage resulting from failed test.
  3. The left ruler handles double colour in case of partial line coverage (green / red).
  4. The left ruler handles double colour in case of partial line coverage related with failed test (orange / red / dark green).



The Coverage Explorer and Test Run Explorer views contain new button "Include coverage from passed tests only". It works in a same way as in IntelliJ IDE. When it's pressed, a coverage from failed tests equals is ignored - text editor shows hit count = 0, code is highlighted in red, percentage value in Coverage Explorer view is calculated for passed tests only.

The same action is also accessible from Coverage Explorer and Test Run Explorer context menu (opened by small triangle in top-right corner):

Clover-for-Eclipse will now protect you against accidental erasure of your source code (wink) - when you try to put instrumented sources into one of source folders, the Clover dialog will show error message.


We have prepared new manual how to instrument and test RCP Application under Eclipse IDE: Instrumenting+RCP+Application.

The new topic structure of Clover-for-Eclipse User's Guide has been established. We've added also 1. Clover for Eclipse in 10 minutes quick start guide.

JIRA issue list

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View these issues in Jira

Please also see the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all bugs fixed in the Clover product.

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