This documentation is for Clover 3.2.x View the latest version of

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current Clover documentation home page.

Getting the Source Code

The Clover-for-Maven2&3 plug-in source is stored in Mercurial repository on To get a local copy of the source code, a Mercurial client is required.

The following command will checkout the source code of the atlassian/maven-clover2-plugin:

hg clone ssh://

(warning) TIP: do not mislead with the atlassian/maven-clover-plugin repository which is a Clover-for-Maven1.

Installing the Plugin

The plugin can then be built, tested and installed via:

mvn clean install

Running Integration Tests

To run the integration tests, use:

mvn clean integration-test -Pintegration-tests

Submitting a Patch

To submit a patch:

  1. Make and test the change in your local subversion work area
  2. Create a JIRA issue in project "Clover" (CLOV), set "Maven Plugin" component.
  3. Ensure any new features/configuration options have been documented in the issue description.
  4. Commit changes and:


    • generate a patch by running the following command in your local work area (where XXXX is the id of the JIRA issue created above)

      hg diff > CLOV-XXXX.patch
    • Upload the patch to the JIRA issue you created.




Stable releases can be downloaded from Maven Central or from


(warning) The JIRA issue tracker is deprecated, please raise issues on

(warning) The SVN respository is deprecated, use the HG repository from


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