On this page we will examine a sample deployment project, and work through the steps required to get a deployment project up and running.
On this page:
Step 1: Create a deployment project
The first step in creating a deployment project is to associate the project with an existing build plan. This is done at the same time as creating the deployment project. To create a new deployment project, and associate an existing build plan with it:
- Click Create > Create deployment project in the drop down menu from the header bar. The 'Set up deployment project' screen will appear.
- Use the Source build plan to select an existing build plan. Bamboo will identify any relevant build plans in the menu:
In this example we can see that the associated build plan is the one for project Bonsai - Complete the Name and Description fields as required
- Click Create deployment project. Your deployment project will be created, and will automatically be associated with the build plan you selected above.
Step 2: Define the release naming scheme
The next step is to provide a version naming strategy for the deployment project. This will define how the deployment project will ascribe names to current and subsequent artifact bundles that it generates. See Naming versions for deployment releases for more information. To configure your version naming scheme:
- From the deployment project configuration screen, click Release versioning to display the deployment project release versioning screen:
- Complete the required fields according to your naming scheme. In this example we can see that a simple naming scheme has been adopted - the next name will be 1.0, and the subsequent 1.1 etc
- Click Save to save your naming scheme.
Step 3: Create a deployment environment
Once we have defined our naming scheme, we need to create a deployment environment for the artifact(s) to be deployed into. Typically, deployment environments include Test, Staging, QA and Production, however there's no limit to creating useful deployment environments. Lets look at how it's done:
- From the deployment project configuration screen, click Add environment to open the Set up environment screen:
- Enter the name of the deployment environment, and a brief description. In this example we will call our environment Dev Sandbox, and give it a suitable description
- Click either Create and back or Continue to task setup to create the environment. The next stage will be to add some tasks, so clicking Continue to task setup will take us straight to the next step.
Step 4: Add some environment tasks
Tasks are activities that the deployment project will perform in order to run. These could be checking out some code from a repository, downloading an artifact from a server or running a script. Let's have a look at how to add a couple of tasks to the deployment environment:
- If you continued to task setup from the environment creation process, then you will already be at the Set up tasks screen. alternatively, From the deployment project configuration screen, click Set up tasks:
- Click Add task to display the list of tasks that are available to you:
In this example, we will add a simple script task to run as part of our build. Clicking on the task we wish to add adds it to the set up tasks screen, and allows us to configure the individual task: - Click Save to save the individual task configuration, and then on Finish deployment project to complete configuration of the script task for the deployment environment. In reality, we would require a number of tasks, not least one to obtain an artifact for use in the deployment. The following task configuration for a production environment includes an artifact download, DB change script, a Tomcat deployment, source code checkout and a Maven 3.x task:
Step 5: Let's deploy!
Our sample deployment project now has all of the elements required to run. We can trigger the deployment project manually by clicking on the appropriate deploy icon on the projects page:
Step 7: Additional deployment environment options
But deployments don't end here. This simple example is just a snapshot of how a deployment project is configured and works. Bamboo deployment projects feature a host of additional features to help you manage your development and deployment processes. These include:
- Automated triggering - choose to automatically deploy after a successful build plan completes, or at a scheduled time
- Agents - Assign specific agents, elastic agents or image configurations to execute the deployment for the environment
- Variables - Incorporate variables for use when deploying versions to environments
- Permissions - Define what users are allowed to view, edit and deploy in the environment
- Notifications - Define who and how notifications about events for the environment are made.