[Bamboo Cloud docs]
[Bamboo Knowledge Base]
Override default hanging build detection | Override the default build hanging detection settings. These settings determine when a build hung event is thrown (e.g. you can configure your notifications to trigger from this event). Build Time Multiplier — Calculate the 'Expected Build Time' for the build (i.e. 'Expected Build Time' = 'Build Time Multiplier' multiplied by 'Average Build Time'). 'Average Build Time' is calculated by using an average of previous build times. Log Quiet Time — The amount of time since Bamboo last recorded an entry in the build log for a build. The 'Expected Build Time' and 'Log Quiet Time' must both be exceeded for Bamboo to throw the build hung event. Build Queue Timeout — The amount of time that a build will wait in a build queue before an timeout event is thrown. Setting this value will override the global build queue timeout setting (see Configuring the build queue timeout event). |
NCover output will be produced | Do not select this option. NCover is a code coverage tool that supports .NET projects. |
Use Clover to collect Code Coverage for this build | Select this check box if:
Automatically integrate Clover into this build
You will also need to insert a Clover license (evaluation licenses are available) into the field provided. See Enabling the Clover add-on. | |
Clover is already integrated into this build and a clover.xml file will be produced Use this option when you already have Clover-for-Ant or Clover-for-Maven configured to generate a report.