Page | Image | Filename | Version |
Viewing Bamboo's system information | | BambooSystemProperties.png | 5.3 |
Logging in Bamboo | | BambooLogSettings.png | 5.3 |
| | | |
Finding Your Bamboo Support Entitlement Number (SEN) | | BambooLicenceKeyDetails.png | 5.3 |
Finding Your Bamboo Support Entitlement Number (SEN) | | BambooMyAtlassianLicenceDetails.png | Unknown |
Tracking changes to your Bamboo server | | BambooAuditLogs.png | 5.3 |
Viewing a Bamboo agent's details | | ViewingAgentsDetails.png | 5.3 |
Creating a local agent | | AddLocalAgent.png | 5.3 |
Viewing a Bamboo agent's details | | EditLocalAgent.png | 5.3 |
Disabling or deleting an agent | | DeleteDisableLocalAgent.png | 5.2 |
Disabling or deleting an agent | | DeleteDisableRemoteAgent.png | 5.2 |
Monitoring agent status | | MonitoringAgentStatus.png | 5.3 |
Viewing your executable capabilities | | ViewingExecutableCapabilities.png | 5.3 |
| | | |
Configuring repository isolation for Maven executables | | MavenRepositoryIsolation.png | 5.3 |
Defining a new JDK capability | | AddAgentJDKCapability.png | 5.3 |
Defining a new custom capability | | AddCustomCapability.png | 5.3 |
Renaming a capability | | RenameAgentCapability.png | 5.3 |
Disabling and enabling remote agents support | | DisableRemoteAgentSupport.png | 5.3 |
| | | |
Generating your AWS Private Key File and Certificate File | | ElasticBambooCertificate.png | Unknown |
Configuring elastic instances to use the EBS | | ElasticImageConfiguration.png | Unknown |
Viewing an elastic image | | ManageElasticImageConfiguration.png | Unknown |
Managing your elastic image configurations | | ElasticImageConfigurationDetails.png | 5.3 |
Viewing an elastic instance | | ViewElasticInstances.png | Unknown |
Scheduling your elastic instances | | ViewElasticInstanceSchedule.png | |
Scheduling your elastic instances | | AddElasticInstanceSchedule.png | |
Shutting down an elastic instance | | ShutDownInstance.png | |
Viewing your elastic agents | | ViewingElasticAgents.png | |
Viewing your elastic agent usage history | | ViewingElasticAgentHistory.png | |
Configuring elastic agent capabilities | | ConfiguringElasticAgent.png | |
Deleting or deactivating a user | | DeleteBambooUser.png | 5.3 |
Creating a group | | CreateNewGroup.png | 5.3 |
Granting plan permissions in bulk | | BulkPlanPermissions.png | 5.3 |
Granting global permissions to users or groups | | EditGlobalPermissions.png | 5.3 |
Allowing public signup | | SecurityPermissionsSettings.png | 5.3 |
Using Captcha for failed logins | | EnterCaptchaThing.png | 5.3 |
| | | |
Enabling the Clover add-on | | EnableCloverAddOn.png | 5.3 |
Enabling the Clover add-on | | CloverReportArtifact.png | 5.3 |
Enabling the Clover add-on | | CloverLicenseTasks.png | 5.3 |
Viewing your database connection details | | BambooDatabaseConfiguration.png | 5.3 |
Specifying a backup schedule | | BambooScheduledBackups.png | 5.3 |
Importing data from backup | | BambooImportBackup.png | 5.3 |
Exporting data for backup | | BambooExportBackup.png | 5.3 |
Configuring global build results expiry | | BambooBuildExpiry.png | 5.3 |
Agent authentication | | ApproveRemoteAgentAccess.png | 5.3 |
| | | |