[Bamboo Knowledge Base]
If a build was triggered by a code change, the updated files will be listed in the build result.
When your Bamboo server is connected to Atlassian's FishEye, you can view the code changes that triggered a build. When a build fails due to a compilation error or failed test, you can explore the failed build in FishEye and jump directly into the changeset that broke the build. You can view the history of that changeset to see what the author was trying to fix, take advantage of the the side-by-side diff view to analyze the change and then open the correct files in your IDE.
Related pages:
To view the code changes that triggered a particular build result:
Links to individual source-code files will only be available if your Bamboo administrator has connected the plan to the source repository, as specified in the 'Advanced Options' on the 'Source Repositories' tab for the plan.
For details, please see Integrating Bamboo with FishEye.