JIRA Receives Error Code 503 When Trying To Authenticate Against Crowd
When trying to login to JIRA using the login gadget, an error is shown in red:
The resource your_domain/jiratest/rest/gadget/1.0/login">https://your_domain/jiratest/rest/gadget/1.0/login cannot be found
In JIRA's log file, the following message is reported:
Server returned error code = 503 for URI : http://your_domain:8095/crowd/services/SecurityServer
Proxy configurations (-Dhttp.httpProxy and/or -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts) were added to the JIRA JAVA_OPTS variable, blocking JIRA's access to Crowd.
Many different combinations can be used in the JAVA_OPTS variable. First, ensure that JIRA can access Crowd when the proxy configurations are not added to JAVA. Then, provide the correct configuration that would allow JIRA to access Crowd with or without a proxy. For more information, please see the JAVA Networking Properties documentation.