How to create Crowd Support Zip via command line
When Crowd web interface, the UI, is not working properly, running and getting the Support Zip is a challenge, requiring Crowd or the System administrator to collect logs and data from the Operating System.
To facilitate it, this solution comes to automatize the log/data search and packaging using the same structure the Support Zip tool provides beyond other benefits.
Environment and requirements
The solution runs in Linux based Operating System with:
zip and/or gzip applications
It's also required by the system administrator:
Being familiar with the Operating System command line interface.
- Recognize the Crowd Home and Crowd Application folders.
- Have read permission on Crowd Home and Crowd Application folders (recommended root/Administrator or the Crowd user if using Linux).
Attention when using Crowd with multiple nodes, the script shall be run in each node separately and the home folder refers to the Crowd home from the node (not the shared home folder).
Script and its usage
Below you may find the scripts, usage, and real examples for Linux and Windows.
The generated file will be placed at <crowd-home>/export.
Other Notes
- This solution is not a substitute of UI Support Zip. If you have the chance to generate the support zip though the UI, please prefer to use it.
- Username and passwords are sanitized in server.xml/tomcat-users.xml (tomcat configuration).