Removing the 'crowd' Context from the Application URL

For many different reasons, when using the Crowd distribution (not EAR-WAR), you may want to access the Crowd console using http://localhost:8095 instead of http://localhost:8095/crowd. In order to remove the /crowd part from the URL, you can take the following steps:

IMPORTANT: Before doing these changes in your production environment, please make sure that they will work in a test instance first.

  1. Edit file <Crowd-Install>/ and make sure that variable crowd.url is set to the following:

    # Crowd context root
  2. Run <Crowd-Install>/ (UNIX) or <Crowd-Install>\build.bat (Windows).

  3. Change your <Crowd-Install>/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml file to have the following Host section configuration:

           <Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina">
                <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="true" name="localhost" unpackWARs="true">
                      <Context path="" docBase="../../crowd-webapp" debug="0">
                            <Manager pathname="" />
  4. Rename the crowd.xml file in <Crowd-Install>/apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost to crowdbackup.xml to prevent Tomcat from loading the /crowd context. 
  5. Run Crowd and access http://localhost:8095. You will be automatically redirected to the Crowd server console page.
  6. After restarting, change the remember to change the base url in the Server Settings screen
Last modified on Jul 11, 2017

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