Crowd 2.11.0 Upgrade Notes
This document contains notes on upgrading an existing Crowd installation to Crowd 2.11. We highly recommend that you read the new features described in the Crowd 2.11 Release Notes.
On this page:
Upgrade notes
Please read the following sections and take action where the note applies to your Crowd installation, before upgrading to the new release of Crowd.
Dropped support for older versions of databases
We've stopped supporting databases which were deprecated in Crowd 2.10. For the full list of supported databases you can click here.
System properties for Crowd HTTP client
Crowd's HTTP client (used for connecting to remote directories) will now use properties for SSL configuration. This can be used, for example, to override the default truststore or provide a keystore for SSL client-side authentication.
Refer to the Crowd 2.10.1 upgrade notes
If you have not yet upgraded to Crowd 2.10.1, please read the Crowd 2.10.1 upgrade notes before upgrading to Crowd 2.11.
We have dropped support for Trusted Applications
There are security risks related to using Trusted Applications for Application Links, and Atlassian Application Links haven't support Trusted Applications since Applinks version 5.2, so we've dropped support for Trusted Applications in this release.
Upgrade procedure
To upgrade to a Crowd 2.11.x release from any earlier version of Crowd, please follow these upgrade instructions.